Friday, January 30, 2009
![]() I think, the only time you can truly cry is when you're in the rain. The rain helps cover your tears and no one knows how hurt you actually are. If you're choking, you can just give the excuse that you swallowed rain water. The rain is a wonderful gift. It helps to cover up your fears and your feelings, how hurt you really feel. Then again, it's a wonderful gift also because you can feel closer to yourself. You can dance in the rain like nobody business and just be yourself. (: I think raindrops are fabulous..
xoxo, the divine ![]() I'm a cranky girl today. For certain issue.. Teammates were nice enough to let me have my way. (: Anyway, back to the main point, essay test today was screwed. Like cause I didn't finish the essay due to spending 10 mintues choosing the question Oh well... I think I can like cancel the don't fail any test goal. SHEESH. Before training played with pok and talked on the phone. Lost to pok pok 'abc' -.- I wasn't even playing seriously. Like cause I was too engross in the conversation. (: Played man jiang with pokpok later on. Wahliao kana trashed like 5 games to 0. ))))))): Centre play with forward shooting game damn jialat. Trash like crazy. ): Hmmm training tomorrow again.. Sheesh, tomorrow's a busy busy day once again. Bleah. Oh I can finally wear my contacts lens again~ :DDDDDD YAYE pretty pretty meeeeeeeeeeeee. (((: Like ohkay, maybe I won't look so nerdy la. HAPPY HAPPY. Plus, my degree didn't increase. (: Was quite happy until a certain someone came to make me jealous! ): I forgive you thoughhhhhh. (: Looking on, I realise I'm neither fast nor capable. My studies are taking a toll too. I seriously need to buck up and stop slacking, doing my best in everything. It's not 'you can't do it'. Everything else is just an excuse, a dumb excuse. Buck up.
xoxo, the divine Thursday, January 29, 2009
![]() I'm getting depress for no reason.
I just suddenly feel like the world is crashing down. ): Sheesh what is wrong with me really. I don't know. I feel so loser. Everyone around me is so hardworking and I'm slackkkking away. Either that or they are smart.. No, I'm not like getting stress. I'm just disappointed that I'm not working hard. ): I remember school used to be fun. Up till p5. p6, bball training, PE and recess is still fun. sec1, PE recess is fun. sec2, recess is still ohkay la. sec3, I just want to go home and sleep. I think sec 4 will be like I don't want to go to school. ): Thankfully, people in 3C still makes it fun to go school. Like pamela, joey, pink buddy, sherly,natalie,sarayna etc.. I'm bored and dying of pain. Bye. xoxo, the divine Wednesday, January 28, 2009
![]() So classes today was pretty fun. Except for PE. Really crappy man. Thankfully there's the pink soft volleyball! :D TOP was quite fun I guess. The scholars are really SUPER DUPER CUTE! (((: Perspired like crazy for the second game hahaha. WanPing is like so mother-like :D Then I talked to pink buddy a lot! We talked about iLead project to if we could create a school... 1) It will be called RS high school. -Really sophisticated high school. Got R and S from our names. (: 2) School uniforms should totally be like this: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 3) No cheering and clapping loudly. -Only allowed to project your voice and clap demurely. 4) Canteen food should be low in fat and healthy. -People look better in school uniforms -PE will be super slack. - We don't like to perspire during PE =X 5) Utensils in the canteen should be standardise in our favourite colour PINK -Looks more glam and well, we love pink 6)Have trays for our food. -It is easier to bring your food around(: 7) Have balls, proms and glam events like yearly! -Only dresses and skirts allowed (only glam skirts are allowed) ![]() 8) Any colour hair accessories but plus points would be to wear PINK! 9) The school building will be in PINK and WHITE. -Really sweet colour plus its like sophisticated. 10) Leaders shall have a tiara to differentiate between students. -So sweet yet authoritative! 11) Have a white wall for scribblings. - It will be white and only PINK markers allowed. -Write your crush name, words of encouragement etc. 12) Dress code for teachers. -a-line skirts,high waisted skirts and long pants and jeans for casual friday. -tops have to be like nice -shoes have to match. 13) Everyone will have a locker. -Comes in PINK and WHITE depends on your assigned locker, though you can change with your friends if you want too. -Have a mirror in every locker. -Something like sharpay's locker in HSM3. Enough of that. Probably that's the main points. :DDDDDD It's soooo dreamy and I and Pink Buddy would totally go to that school! So dreamy.... But I guess no one (except people in the pink group which is like 3 person.((plus priyanka)) ) would build a school like that... )): Oh well. Dream school's got to wait!
xoxo, the divine Tuesday, January 27, 2009
![]() Afraid of asking that question, afraid of the reply you might give. Crying my heart and eyes out in the middle of the night, figuratively. Wondering pondering thinking of the answer until my mind hurts. Knowing if I asked, everything will stop. Like how a dancer in white twirls around. boom. Everything stops and she gets engulfed in darkness. forever. It really scares the guts out of me cause darkness in that world is horrible. But sooner or later I know that the question will come up again. But, maybe then I'll be ready and stronger. 'scoffs' I'm scared and I'm trying not to think. Losing, it's not that scary. Losing someone that's really scary. I don't want to sound like her. I don't want to drag up your past.
xoxo, the divine ![]() HAPPY NIU YEAR PEOPLE! :D
Yesterday was fun though I'm not going to write much about it or post pictures. Cause I think I look quite ugly with my glasses on for CNY. (: Oddy posted it all anyway can go there and see or kope pictures(cousins) :D What I think worth mentioning is my younger cousin whispering to my sis this. 'Sherlin jiejie skinner. Shermin jiejie grow fatter lers.' Oh my mama I want to laugh when I heard that. I guess it made Oddy super sad. hoho. Anyway, I'm still having a rather bad sore throat/cough/flu and I can't eat any goodies. ): (: It's both (: and ): (: I won't gain weight. I won't fall sicker. ): I CAN'T ENJOY THE GOODIES! Haha. I think I'm awake quite early for someone who slept at 2 in the morning! I wonder if the other person is still sleeping. HOHO :D xoxo, the divine Saturday, January 24, 2009
![]() Saw baby's blog. Awww, don't be sad kay. I admit after being in different class and different stream we'll drift apart.. (sadly) Cause I guess we don't have the same teachers and we have no idea what's going on in each other class... We can still study physic together though I'm in trip. Sometimes I wonder if I really chose the wrong stream taking trip cause Lit is nice too... Plus I'll be in the same class as you and I'm thinking bio kinda sucks. Haha. Oh well, I can't do anything about it though but Don't worry kay. I promise to have recess with you every week kay. Like every wednesday alright? Hey clique 13 people who comes to my blog. Recess every wednesday together kays. (: I'll still be there for you if you need a ear. No matter what happens I still love you truckloads kay. (: You're my baby forever even if I get a boyfriend. Even if I get married. Even if one day I grow old and I lose my memories of you and me. 'Don't cry cause it's over. Smile cause it happened.' (: Ich liebe dich kay.
xoxo, the divine Friday, January 23, 2009
![]() HELLOOOOOOOO! I think 3C rocks. The china scholars are super cute and classmates are super hilarious! :DDDDDDD Joey is soooo cute! Ruth is my pink buddy! ( Like finally I found one! ) Pamela is the nicest and cutest retarded choir girl (thing between us) Sarayna never knew what a hand sanitizer is until I showed her one. ( buying one for her) Sherly is the random person who suddenly laughs. Nisha and Prinyaka are 2 crazy people who talks about getting married. (with harris) I really have alot more to say but someday soon I'll say them all. Really lazy now. HOHO. :DDDDDDD My auntie just said I was vain. HAHAHA. and nisha and prinyaka thinks I'm a BIMBO!!!!!!! LMAOOOOOOOO. :DDD
xoxo, the divine Thursday, January 22, 2009
![]() What if I said i was disappointed in you? Really disappointed cause you broke your promise?
xoxo, the divine ![]() I feel dead and tired. Today is like ULITMATE sian-ness. CNY is coming and I'm down with a flu and sore throat. -.- Every single year I 've some illness. Like I remember one year it was diarrhoea and I couldn't eat milky stuff. bored bored bored. Lazy to blog. bye. PS. Leena you suck you made me buy a bottle of water! ): < xoxo, the divine Tuesday, January 20, 2009
![]() HELLO PEOPLE!! :D Sherlin is really happy today cause she took her height and weight! SHE GREW TALLER and that's great news because for a WHOLE year she was stagnant at 1.60 :DDDDDDDDDDD Furthermore, she lost some weight, (though it will probably be back and she thinks there's really something wrong with the machine cause its quite a big number.) therefore she is really happy! :DDDDD YAYEEEEEEEE! Currently back from training and finding some articles for the EL board. (: JIAYOU! :D Plus, she hasnt done banyueji and maths. HOHO Didn't bring back her diary. xD xoxo, the divine Monday, January 19, 2009
![]() oh joy! We won today. (: 62-23. I truly thank God for His guidance and His help. (: Went to subway with Serene and Wanjun later on. Had cold cut trio. Subway was quite funny with I don't know why we talk to guys. LOL. Like we were saying how perfect will it be if a guy is a bballer and the gf also bballer. Then wad dancer and bballer also nice etc. Serene arh laugh until AIYOOOOOOOO! HAHAH. On the bad side, my infection came back. ): I think it spread from the right eye to the left eye. Can't wear glasses until 2 weeks later. People please pray for my eyes to get well! ): Sexyae buddy thanks! hahaha and no, its not cause i see you very lil then eye pain hor! :DDD Nice game out there though. I pray to God that my eyes get better! ):
xoxo, the divine Sunday, January 18, 2009
![]() 'Ni men shi jie mei arh.' I seriously want to laugh. Inside joke. Anyway, everyone is like SICK! ): Zonals start tomorrow and everyone is not feeling well! Omg luhs. Please take care everyoneeeeeee! ): God bless that everyone will be better tomorrow! Hmmm, wrapped my banyueji and maths books. Sheesh, I can't believe I got a freaking B for banyueji la. Just because I didn't wrap my banyueji. I wrote 'wo de ke wai huo dong' so seriously la! Then all I got was a B. -.- It feels so bad! ): Oh wells.
xoxo, the divine Saturday, January 17, 2009
![]() #4- YiLei. hey there! (: always same group partner! :DDD I hope that when you and me both get a chance to go on court, we'll CARPE DIEM (: Jiayoujiayou and it's nice going back with you and wanjun after training! Ps, I think your defense is reaaaaaaally good. Haha :D #5- Wanjun. HOHO you and your lame stuff always make me laugh! *translated* I was about to run when you said STOP! ): HOHO. All the way on the court yea! Run like the wind and score like there's no tomorrow! :D SUBWAAAAY again soon! :DDDDDD Eh, stop whacking my butt ler. Very pain ler. You whack butt pokpok whack boobs. PAIN ler. Training become like some torture camp. LOL #6- Audrey. BAMBI THE DEER! xD hahaha I've no idea why you remind me of that. LOL. Anyway, don't feel like sleeping like you always do during CCAB training and air the ball! Must use 'cedar 11' and CHOP CHOP CHOP all kay! :DD Thanks for lending me all the storybooks too! (: Heh. Ppl from 1M, 2M rocks man! :D #7- Lynn. Hahaha Hi captain! :DDDDDD I seriously feel like laughing at all your spastic actions and reasons. What papaya milk etc. LOL MAN! Hahaha. It's really fun playing center with you during training. I never fail to laugh Jiayou and get more rebounds yeah! :D It's been tough being the captain but I think you've done a pretty good job there! (: #8- Serene. Hahaha. 'I foul you until you cannot throw foul ball arh!' (: I'll always remember that phrase. xD Haha. Today training was super suay bong lor. We always run until middle then the game stop. Hahhaa. It was fun being defender and attacker with you. (: Haha plus, I hope your hair grows faster! :D #9- Joline. First training partner. 3rd major competiton with you already. (: Hahaha. Remember how we use to run the big rounds at old cedar? Then we'll keep complaining how tired we are. I think next year we're going to die. xD Anyway, you really have the potential to become a SUPER GUARD when B div 10 comes. (: JIAYOU JIAYOU MAN! Oh sleep earlier too! (: #10- Melinda. HAHAHAA. I keep thinking of what happened on thursday after the guy's soccer ball whacked you. 'OWWWWWWWWWWW' ): and the one you trip over your own long legs when chia asked you to run faster. HAHAHA. In short, eat plenty of pasta and run faster then before! (: #11- Jayejayeeeeee. (: haha. You know my secretssssssss. Like some of them right. Haha. xD Anyway, nuff said about your guard skills. You know what to do with the ball like totally! (: Fierce enought too. I'm quite afraid of you on the court like even more afraid of you then Jiamin. Even though she's the tallest cause you've this really 'FIERCE' wave coming. HOHO. Anyway, JIAYOU and yeah, I guess don't foul too much? hahhaa. Not really in the position to say that though. xD Just JIAYOUJIAYOU! (: #12- Pokpok POKPOKKKKKKKK! Talking to you at night etc was fun. (: Love you to bits and pieces! Hahaha your 'shen she shou' or whatever better be in TOP form! (: Hahaha shoot in more 3 pointer and run like you did in AHS match. Heh. Don't be sad about your short legs la, they are super cute stumpy legs. :D #13- Jiamin. Hahaha. I guess I don't need to say anything. (: Do what you do during training and it's alrightttt already! :D Haha thanks for doing with me 1 on 1 all the while though we'll both be 'SIAN you again' HAHAHAA. (: #15- Yenyi Hahhaa. You and your bugs. Sometimes it really scares me but I'm quite used to it now. PIAAAAAA all the way and yup, do what you do during practice. (: Mag Hey hahaha fun going back home with you too! I've said this before but once again, thanks for bringing me to church and letting me know more about God' words. (: I think you're a messenger of God to me and I really thank Him for that, because without you, I'll probably still be lost. (: Come monday, it's do or die on the court. *sounds so serious* But I guess, deep down in our hearts we should know what a match means, and we are prepared and we know what to do. Trust jiaolian's judgement on the court and all that he've taught us. So let's carry a pair of guns when we go on court and not let fear make us prisoners. (: I pray to God that He'll lead us through the odds. Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint
xoxo, the divine ![]() HOHO! :DDDDD it's currently 740 and I'm getting ready for training! (: *shivers in excitement* :DDDDDDDD I miss traininggggggg. (: ohkay back with more after training and music! :D //edited. Training was quite fun I guess :D Went to music after that and before lessons I kept listening to 'body that' I'm so hooked on to the song! Anyway, lesson was quite fun too I guess. I've no idea timothy is that funny. He's super smart too. HAHA. Eh peiwen let's take tomato and throw him :D Anyway, yeah it was quite fun hearing about he's school and trip etc. :DDDDDD Headed home and talked to bestie. (: It was quite funny. Hmmm, going out tomorrow. Shucks I've got to find time to study soon. xD Competition starting on monday. I guess I'll just write some stuff for everyone in a separate post. (:
xoxo, the divine Friday, January 16, 2009
![]() Hmmm. School was screwed up as usual. Didn't really understand chem. Skipped recess and I got gastric I think, or at least my tummy felt really weird. Maybe cause I ate my medicine without eating anything. Confirm going for remedial for maths. I totally freaked out for the maths pop quiz and i could do all the questions. Turned up I got only like 1 question correctly I guess. -.- Oh wells. Went to FBT warehouse and got the warm up tee. I guess it's alright la. Not so bad? Hmmm. LOADS of inside joke which shall be a secret between the 4 of us. HOHO. 'HUH cannot la you sure wear M or S la. L too big.' to Joline. 'Eh you want bigger size anot? Size M?' to pokpok. LOL mannnnn. Pokpok totally gave the idotic face to Joline. HAHAHA. Ended up not watching Russel play ): I was quite upset, but heard from Ivan they won. So yup (: This is really random and I doubt you'll see this. But, IVANYONGZHENSHUN, I think you're totally AWESOME! (: It's like you're always there to listen to me when I've problems! I'm grateful to God that I found a super good friend like you. Especially when I've some things that I can't explain to other people cause it involves them, you're always there for me and to listen to me! :D Thank you very muchhhhh! Thanks for all your advice on bball too though I doubt I use them that often. But your words of encouragement are good enough! (: I remember my first impression of you was ICE-CREAM man. Due to the fact that you always ate that green ice-lolly sold at school x) If I didn't remember wrongly, you said your first impression of me was because I ran very fast. I laughed till I fall on the ground cause I don't run fast. Hah. But still, you're awesome! You ran like SUPER FAST and your bball skills are GREAT! (: I'm not joking. (: Heh. Thanks for everything yeas? And not forgetting that you didn't forget me during christmas/new year/birthday etc. ♥ PS: You still kindaaaaaa owe me a PINK carebear from last year. x) Seriously, I don't even think we're that close so I don't think you have the right to keep questioning where I am. I'm like just a friend hellooooo. Not even a close friend least to say your gf or whatever. -.- Don't question me. Come on la. Even my close friends like Ivan and Joanne don't even question me as much and it's not like I LIKE you to question me. If it was someone else well, I guess I don't mind. But don't question me that much. We're not yet close.
xoxo, the divine Thursday, January 15, 2009
![]() School today was alright I guess. Not bad not bad :D Hmmmm, went to bukit gombak for friendly. As usual I felt really lost and bad cause I didn't train. ): SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY. I'm going to train! Somehow I always wished I can't train and when I've to not train, it feels so 'PAIN' ): I miss training like crazy. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Hmmm just reached home not long ago. Haha. First time out so late on a school night. SUBWAAAAAAAAAY! :D I want want want to go see RUSSEL play tomorrow ler. ): I wonder if I can go see. hmmm. On a random note, I think BIO sucks like BIG TIME. BLEAHHHHHH. *inside joke* 'Sorry ler?! Eh sorry done liao anot?!' HOHOOO. How comes a day seem like a week, a week seem like a month and a month seem like a year?
xoxo, the divine Wednesday, January 14, 2009
![]() I'm hopelessly addicated to you. I called Joline and pokpok just now. I cried suddenly. I feel REALLY bad and guilty for not going to training at this time. Crucial period. I can't help it. It's like everyone is fighting and training to their max and all I can do is watch on by the sideline and not join them in the fight. ): ( this sad face cannot fully express how badly I cried or how sad I am.) I feel so helpless, like a lost child. Time for my eyedrop again. 2 drops every half an hour. I'll make sure I take care of myself and then be back on the court again. I WANT TO TRAIN SO BADLY. ): I miss the seniors and teammates already! I'll be strong! I'll be back tomorrow! xoxo, the divine ![]() Didn't go to school today. Couldn't see clearly cause my eyes were so dry and gritty. ): Decided to stay at home and I need to go get a MC for today. Shucks should haven taken it when the doctor wanted to give me one yesterday. But I was damn 'SMART' and said. 'HUH. Don't need la. DUH. I want to go school.' I'm really super smart. -.- On the good side, my eyes are NOT as RED. Hopefully by Monday it will clear up. (: My throat feels really weird now too. I think it's the antiboitic that cause that weird taste inside my throat. ): YUCKS.
xoxo, the divine Tuesday, January 13, 2009
![]() My eyes are officially infected. )): No training till Saturday. I can say good bye to any chances of going on court. I'm really sorry but it's so serious! The doctor say if I don't take care then it MAY lead to permanent blurriness in the eye. I'm really sorry seniors/teammates etc that I can't join you guys for training. I feel really bad but the doctor said this, 'your eye or basketball? You choose.' I'm really sorry and a thousand apologises. But of course, I'll go and sit there for training. D-U-H. But above all I'm sorry for not training with you guys. Especially at this crucial time with competitions to be starting. ): Watched movie with pokpok today. She and *EHHEM* made me wait for 2 hours but I didn't really care somehow. (: Treated me to a movie later on. Thanks guys! I scrolled through my phone on the way home. I realised how much you have given me through this while. You never once left me alone, but you were always there to guide me through. Things that you have given me are truly irreplaceable and I will never exchange them for anything else in the world. Suddenly, horrible thoughts came into my mind and I was scared. For how long more will you be there for me? Maybe just in another 1 to 2 years time you'll be gone. I'm so afraid of losing you, I really am. ): It's been quite sometimes but I guess I'm still silly cause I don't know the answer. I miss you so much when I'm actually still messaging you. That's how great the extend I miss you.
xoxo, the divine Sunday, January 11, 2009
![]() I was having this really nice dream today! Someone said some stuff in it that made me smile and woke up to check my phone tp see if the message was real! ): Sadly it wasn't. Then Benjamin's msg woke me up. Was really drowsy and decided to ignore it until later. :p Went to church and I feel really refresh and ready for the week again! (: Thank God for today's service. It was great! Suppose to be doing my work soon now because there's a match later! ): Back to ban yue ji. Toodles people.
xoxo, the divine Saturday, January 10, 2009
![]() I'm baaaaaaaack from music. Feeling really depress about it. I cannot play music with weird notes. Like I can't combine the pedal and the left hand with right hand. -.- Irritating shit! Like really! I hate 8 beat songs and titanic the song sucks like BIG TIME! ROARRRRRRRRRRRRR. After doing some maths I decided to come online. Talked to Duncan bout bball etc. I'm so sickkkkkkkkkkkk! ): Sheesh, i realise sunday got match at bukit gombak there! ): So far away! Quite waste time cause I need to travel so far! Worst then travelling to kembungan to bball with pokpok la. SHEESHHHHHHHHH it's soooooooo far! It's like after church I'll probably have to go eat then rush off again cause I don't really know where the place is and it takes about an hour to reach. and another half an hour to reach that place. that's one and a half hour. Have to reach by 4.30 so I need to leave at like 2-3 plus! )))))))))))): BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Back to maths and cheena sooon! Haha, thanks boifren. (: But somehow, I'm still lost somewhere. xD I miss you like crazy! I miss your saving the earth and eating healthy mission! ): I feel so fat now cause I always ate lesser and healthier when I saw you because I always felt so guilty. HOHO. Outing soon again in my hopefully 'future' school uniform! :D Must hold on and never give up no matter how tough it gets alright? Cause I'll go join you there soon! LOVELOVE! (: 040708! (: AISINI!
xoxo, the divine Friday, January 09, 2009
![]() Searching for myself all over again somewhere along the road. Just because of a single sentence from you. Lost, confuse and freaking out because the road ahead seems dark with no lamps to guide my way, to show me the path. I wonder if you know this, but I guess you don't because we're distances apart. Every time I take a step, you take two. Further and further apart. Suddenly, I can see you no longer. Lost from my sight and I panic in the darkness but you didn't know better cause you were way ahead and you never look back. Lost, confused and weeping on my knees as the wind blows away those pieces of my torn paper heart.. Then, suddenly I catch a glimpse of your face amidst the darkness. You smiled and stretch out your hand. And that's all I really need from you, nothing more. Ich liebe dich. As simple as that.
xoxo, the divine ![]() School was REALLY fun today. I've no idea 3C could be that fun and hilarious. Seriously! Laughing and sitting with them during recess was FUN SHIT! :DDD Haha. (: Classes today were alright I guess? Apart from the triple sci classes today. -.- I think bio isn't that fun anymore. Haha. PHYSIC AND CHEM IS FUNNNNNN! :D At the very least, I can still understand the lesson. HA! My eyes are really red now. It's as though I've cried non-stop for a whole day. Actually, it's worst then that. HAHA. Training was alright I guess. Pretty funny incidents Haha. Serene's AIYO! Made my day. HAHA. [: Loves looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. Not hath Love's mind of any judgment taste; wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste; and therefore Love is said to be a child Because in choice he is so oft beguiled. As waggish boys in games themselves forswear, so the boy Love is perjured everywhere. HOHO. Baby wrote this to me and I got interested in it. Trying to find out the meaning. Got it: In this soliloquy, Helena ponders the transforming power of love, noting that Cupid is blind. The lovesick Helena has been abandoned by her beloved Demetrius, because he loves the more attractive Hermia. Helena, while tall and fair, is not as lovely as Hermia. Helena finds it unfair that Demetrius dotes on Hermia's beauty, and she wishes appearances were contagious the way a sickness is so that she might look just like Hermia and win back Demetrius. The connection of love to eyesight and vision are matters of vital importance in this play about love and the confusion it sometimes brings. COOL (: Hmmm. pictures from yesterday. The nicer one. Boifren if you want the other 2 tell me when I'm online. xD Cause i look really screwed there so I decided not to post it. HAHA. Went to spotlight! 'S' is so popular! :D Super nice bread at carrefour! xoxo, the divine Thursday, January 08, 2009
![]() I've learned one thing today. Never do maths on your bed cause you'll probably want to sleep. I did that and I fell asleep and woke up and did my maths again. But was so tired and cranky that all my answers were wrong and I became even MORE cranky. Got up and went to a table to finish my work and yea it was better. (: School was hodumdidum. Viewed and try jerseys and then knew our draws. SCGS, Whitely and Zhonghua. Haha sexyae buddy we meet again! :D Somehow I think we can make it. I pray that God lead us through this too. (: B div 09' we will make it! :D Carry a pair of guns when we go to the court! (: Went out with tessa boifren later on. :DDDDDDD Had fun talking to her and walking around. Went to many shops and carrefour! :DDDDD I think we both agree that gorcery shopping is da bombx! muahaha. It was so fun. We spent like 1/2 an hour deciding what drink we should buy. Milk or fruit juice. HAHA. It was seriously freaking cold at the aisle! xD Decided on the malt milk and it was GREAT! (: Love it. Had fun with boifren today! Can't update photos today. x) Tomorrow pictures! (: I LOVE BOIFREN! :DDDDDDD I've changed? I don't see where but I know I've. I'm sorry but just know that the feeling's haven changed.
xoxo, the divine Tuesday, January 06, 2009
![]() I DECLARE upper sec life is tiring! SERIOUSLY. I feel everyone in class is SOOOOO smart and I feel quite dumb even though I fully understand the lesson. :DDDD Oh well, being dumb isn't erm so bad right?! (: Whatever I'm talking crap cause I'm really beat from maths. -.- though it's QUITE fun. I'm becoming really studious! HOHO. Sitting infront of the teacher table helps I guess. I've no idea what I'm doing now. I'm going off to sleep and be prepared for DOUBLE MATHS TOMORROWWW! :DDDDDDDD I love/hate school.
xoxo, the divine Monday, January 05, 2009
![]() HOHOHO! :DDDD Chinese class rock sock! (: I'm sitting with matty baby again! :DD Hopefully we won't change seats. hahah. Wo men yao jiang hao hua wen. LOL! :DDD Changed class seat too. Sitting right in front of the teacher's table. I quite like it cause I can totally concentrate! (: Beside me is Ernica and behind me is Sarayna. HAHA. I hope I haven spelt their name wrongly :DDDDD So yea, it's quite fun. (: Can't wait for my date with tessa boifren! OMG! HAHAHA. That lil nonya guy the zhang guy, KILLED HIS DAD! HAHAHA! :DDDD Sorry if I sound evil cause my sister and mummy was like 'KILL THE FATHER!' -.- Like whateverrrrrrr! Thursday thursday thursday! (: HEHEHEHEHE. I'm just going to shut up and learn more (: Make me stronger!
xoxo, the divine Sunday, January 04, 2009
![]() HAPPY 6th month anniversary boifren! Love you to the max! ): Though I'm quite sad that you IP to NJC already. If only you're still in cedar! Boohoo. Lunch outing soon yeaaaa! :DDDDD AI SI NIIIIII!
xoxo, the divine ![]() Hi, I'm lost and confused. Oh whatever. I need time. Sheesh cannot wear jersey for training anymore. sian. Tomorrow jogging is not with bballers! SUPER SIAN -.- Must run with the class. sheesh. I don't like running at all. Shucks. I've got to go check the timetable for tomorrow. xoxo, the divine Saturday, January 03, 2009
![]() A year, months and days have pass. Things seem different, things seems the same since I know you. I remember thinking how I laughed at your silliness and told myself never will I - you. Scrolled through my phone yesterday and found it jammed. Jammed with thoughts and messages of yours. I think I'm really silly at times but I guess I can't help it. Cause I've fallen so deep in it. [: Thanks for being there and picking me up when I fall. liebe.
xoxo, the divine Friday, January 02, 2009
![]() Ohkay, first thing my mummy just killed a freaking BIG cockroach. EWWWWWWW. Damn gross. Anyway, today was quite alright. Started out with sending messages to some people to jiayou them! (: Met some of the clique at canteen and talked about how excited etc we are. Headed to courtyard and POOR SPASTIC. She got caught for short skirt on the first day. HAHAHA. Anyway, headed to class and yea the normal settle in stuff. Know all the teachers etc. We even started lessons but it was quite fun. I think we're skipping some parts of chem cause the teacher say we know stuff etc. I guess it's alright. Heard that my class got all the better teachers. Haha :D I guess the class wasn't so bad la. Like not really what I expected. Quite friendly and not much super muggers ( I hope!) It was quite alright. (: I'm truly happy in the class la. With really funny people. I'm serious. (CAULIFLOWER FOR A CLASS NAME!?!) Hahaha. Quite funny la. I thank God and I know that He will lead me through the rest of the year! BOIFREN came back! :D But I couldn't spend more time cause I had training. ): I'm sorry boifren! ): Oh well LUNCH SOON! muahaha. Another 2 more days to our 6 month anniversary! :D Training was pretty crappy cause I was having some problem. Jiaolian ended early cause he say we all 'mei jing shen' HAHAHA Sheesh. Oh well. The team was announced and yea decided on warmup tee etc. Joline had to go first cause her dad came or something. Went to change with pokpok and she was like damn ass lor. 'Eh, I actually just now saw you (recess) I wanted to laugh and tease you for your long skirt, then I saw I damn sad cause cannot say already. Your skirt become shorter. ): ' HAHAHA wahliao. ass lor. My last time skirt really that long mer. ROAR. To conclude, class and school was pretty alright (: Thank God for His guidance. (:
xoxo, the divine Thursday, January 01, 2009
![]() Haven been around the past few days so couldn't post. 2008 has pass and 2009 has come. I really miss 2008. The first major match with teammates. Major cramming with clique. I miss them all. Especially cdiv08' since some has left. It will never feel the same playing a match again somehow. ): The leaving of the clique hurts too. Cause never will the full 13 of us be in the same class or school anymore. I miss the clique 13 and cdiv08'! But I guess having to pick yourself up and moving along is important too. But still, thanks for the wonderful memories team and clique. (: I love you all. ANYWAY, new year resolutions. 1) Trust God wholeheartedly and ask for His guidance in everything that I do. 2) EOY L1R5 of 10 and below. 3) Improve in basketball. 4) SLIM DOWN and be more fit. like seriously 5) Save money. 6) Study more then I did last year. 7) Find more time for people around me. 8) FOCUS AND CARPE DIEM! :D Ohkay I guess that's all. Must must must! (:
xoxo, the divine |
The Divine Queen I know everyone wants to be divine. How exactly do you be divine then? Find out from yours truly, the divine queen here Blogroll They are their defination of divine there Tagboard
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