Friday, October 31, 2008
![]() How long have you known me? 11 years? You should know that I'm not those kind of people who likes competing. Especially over stuff like that. No, it's not because I'm afraid of losing or I've no confidence. It's just that who am I to determine what other choose or what happens? Falling in and out isn't something we can control. Anyway, as I promise I'm not going to do anything special, just what I usually do. That is because it's really up to that person to decide. If anything happens, and he's happy I guess I will be too. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel sad but a smile is really worth it. Someone ask me why am I doing this. I guess it because I've live with pain alot so far and maybe I just want to see a smile. Letting go if anything happens, is never easy I know best. But, if it's worth a smile I guess it rules over how i feel. But I swear if you ever break anything, [you should know what.] I'll really come break every part of you, even if you, are my best friend. This isn't a game and he isn't a prize darling. Don't treat anyone as a mere object to be played with especially that person.. I've no idea how you feel but you should know how I feel. (: I told you time and time again. You know best. But then again, I can't control anyone and God has his plans. So, I won't do anything special because liking doesn't mean wanting.. I mean everything I've ever said from the start till now. I swear. I'm not forcing my views or making a desicion or anything. I've no idea why I feel so strongly about this. (: Training today was quite fun. Serene made me laugh like crazy. Gym is quite fun and I think Bala is crazy to do gym so much. It's not that fun. haha
xoxo, the divine Thursday, October 30, 2008
![]() Serene Da jie changed the blog colour for me! AWESOME STRIKING RED. Haha :DDD Somehow it looks a little weird but I like it. (: Comment people is the black one nicer or this? :DDDD Training today was ULTRA fun lor. No jiaolian or mrchia it was rather relaxing but we did everything we were suppose to do. :DDDD Going to selina house before training tomorrow I think. I WANT TO EAT THE PASTA. :DDDD Toh Sherlin is becoming a BFA. short form for big fat ass. HAHAHAHA. Idk if i should go out with the clique tomorrow for the halloween thingy. To go or not to go is the question. HAHA. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
xoxo, the divine Wednesday, October 29, 2008
![]() As promise some pictures from last day. Not all though (: *SMACKS THE BROOM AND DUSTPAN* 'EWWWW DUST!' Hence explain my screwed up face. :DD 'I'll sweep you off your feet!' 'Serious! Go do your work' Good choice of working place. If you guys make me sad, I'll JUMP out I tell you.' 'CHILLAXXX' :D Wait! Let's camwhore more. Come dorry my backup singer, let's sing! 'This is real This is me I'm exactly...' Eh puh-lease I'm a better singer. *FIGHTS* Thus I end my post on the cleaning on the last day of school. (: xoxo, the divine ![]() G-R-E-A-T-! I'm stuck at home with no food and no key to the outside till oddy comes back. -.- I love that face! :D Anyway, damn it I'm stuck at homeeeeeeeeee. CRAPPY. Of all days when I dont have training today. BLEAHHHHHHHH Idk if I should still go out. HAHA. Like, no key and oddy's only back at like 2 plus? DDDD: <<< Changed my blogskin. I used this before. I really love it. Blogskin with no pictures are really nice. I'm getting a little sick of the colour pink. So... BUT I STILL LOVE PINK. It's just I need a break. HAHA. :D Boifren said she never thought she'll hear that from me! Ice-skating somedaaaay! LOVES;
xoxo, the divine Tuesday, October 28, 2008
![]() I saw my sister's class photo. It's really interesting. (: Hey felicia SA guy le. LOL. One of her friend is rather good looking i've got to say. Another looks like count dracula. I've totally got to find out what he does. He's soooooo skinny. One looks like a gang guy with no back-up. OHOH and my favourite. SNORLAX GUY. I really really want to give him a peach because he looks like SNORLAX! :DDDDDDDDDDDD HAHA. Really cute and funny la. WOOHOOOOOO. Training today was quite refreshing? Idk. (:
xoxo, the divine Monday, October 27, 2008
![]() Went downtown today with half the clique. 'yea. we sitting the bus. AHHHHH' *RUNS FOR THE BUS* End up we were the only people on the bus. HAHAHA. :DDDD It was quite fun. HSM is like so nice? 'TROYYYYYYYY~' HAHA felicia's zhao pai line. :DDD She sang and sang until the lift door open and people were staring at her. FUNNY LA. (: I was jealous. (: xoxo, the divine Sunday, October 26, 2008
![]() MY DAD IS THE COOLEST GUY I'VE EVER MET. :DDD He's awesomeeee i tell you! I learn some things from him today. :DDD He run faster then me despite he's old age. HAH. AWESOME SHIT! :DDDDDDD
xoxo, the divine ![]() Yesterday was my 600th post. WOW. Anyway was talking to that gamer WAYNE just now. He has become a giant man. He's feet are giantic ( look at my friendster. I've a pic there) and he grew like wad 10cm? The last time i saw him was like last year he was 164? NOW HE IS A FREAKING 174-176. I've got to know what he eats because i want to grow tall too. ZOMG. The next time we call you out, you better come out. :DDDDDDDDDDD
xoxo, the divine Saturday, October 25, 2008
![]() More pictures soon. haven gotten them all. (: xoxo, the divine Friday, October 24, 2008
![]() I haven got all the picture from boifren! So i can't put it up yet. SOON I PROMISE. :DDDD Played my DS till i had a headache today. My doggie name is called boyboy. Hey clique it's not more baby! HAHAHA :DDD MONDAY!! I'm so excited with mixed feelings. <3
xoxo, the divine Thursday, October 23, 2008
![]() Bear with me. Probably 2 posts today or either picture post tomorrow. This is the wordy post for 2M. Hey girls, you were the best thing that happen to me in cedar. Meeting you guys and being able to just be in 2M is the best! (: I LOVE YOU GUYS and thanks for making life in lower sec much better! :D I can't believe I actually cried today! Haha (: To the CLIQUE as a whole. 13 of us and you guys rock! (: I am serious! You guys are the people that keep me going whenever I'm sad or feeling unmotivated. Thank you all. Keep on rocking my socks off. In random order cause I love you guys all the same (: Boifren: Hey, thanks for being there for me always. I really appreciate it all. Be it lunching or just walking and talking to you, you make me smile a whole lot more. (: I love you and remember to come back even though you're going to NJC! 2 more years and I hope to see you there alright! :DD Bring me roses when you're back! (: I want the fake toy one. Pretty pretty one with my favourite colour! (: Divya: Hey partner! Remember? We aim to pass! And we did. Thanks for being my work partner all this while. I really can't bear for you to leave. You better do well in TJC alright! Then, come back and visit us all. Introduce your bf to me arh! :D Best friends/partner for life man. I love our inside jokes. (: Matty: GIRL! (: Wonderful 07 table partner! 'It's the start of something new..' For both you and me. Do well and continue to be so smart! (: I enjoy sitting beside you because I get motivated to study though we did sms under the desk. d: Still, thanks for helping me with my maths problems at times. Thank you for making me a more motivated person! :DD Shujinggyy: 'Because we were built to last' (: My built to last partner! I'm so proud of you and your results! (: You did well! haha. Thanks for sitting close to me and making me smile so much when you say funny things and always lending me your mirror and comb! :DD Remember me as the 'HELLO KITTY' person alright! Kudos to you! Continue rocking you rocker girl! :DD Don't ever use this phrase in your life alright? Something along those lines of dont regret your life and choice. DOUBLE SCI! (: Felicia: 'Hey baby, why so sad?' (: Haas. You dreamy girl! Wait slowly for your prince charming alright? You'll find him soon! Trust me. If you don't I'll be your 'prince charming' lar. HAHA. I'll make sure you recieve a sms EVERYDAY ohkay! (: Don't be so disappointed with your results alright? Be positive and stay SEXYAE! Vivian: Hey you tall freak! (: Grow up already arh! But don't forget us! You spastic shit! I'll totally miss your face next year! (: Once again congrats on growing up. Thanks for being my table partner in the first half of the year in 07' Though you're always distracting me, I've grown to miss it! Thanks for keeping the class so clean and doing up our class so nicely. (: Best secretary ever! ILY! (: Continue drawing more pictures alright! :D Chaaaaarmaine: YO! (: Haha. Remember our theme song and carry it with you. Thanks for going home with me and making me laugh over your actions. :DDD I'll always remember how you show us how someone fell due to looking at senior. (: It's reaaaaally funny. Keep this laughter where ever you go alright? (: I hope your journey will be like the swing you like to go. Relax, pure and innocent. Just like the face on a child when he first play on the swing. (: Ann: (: Hey, I've got to admit among the clique, i'm not very close to you. But, I remember you did a pretty good job as our monitress in sec 1 (: Working with you was quite pleasant. (: Jiayou for netball ohkay! :DD SMILEEEE. Sexyae ass: Hey you and your piglet! I'll remember you and your pink piglet. You really love it right? (: Haha. Jiayou for your studies alright and keep that sexyae ass for yours! HAHA. (: Cute ass and sexyae ass rock. (: Bimbo: Haha. Hey I don't really call you bimbo cause you're bumd yet pretty. I think you're both pretty and smart! :D Only bimbo when it comes to non-studies related times! (: I'll miss your funny bimbo antics during class. No more bimbo actions. BOOHOOOO. I'll miss your, 'everything-is-has-a-dancer-''feng''-de-lor' ((: You're dancer feel. Even when it comes to running :D Dorry: 'Just keep swimming just keep swimming...' quoted from Dorry! :D Just like that, continue swimming and going for greater heights alright. Let's keep our faith in God and keep the race running. Thanks for being so caring throughout this 2 year. You've really been a great friend to me. [: Continue what you do and you'll do well. I love you dorry! :D Baby: :D Words can't describle how much you mean to me. I still owe you a letter! I'll write it soon I promise alright. (: Even if we're in different class next year. You already know what I want to say right? BABY I LOVE YOU! :D Simple short and sweet. Or as most will say, 8 letter 3 words 1 meaning. I LOVE YOU. HAHAHA :DD Finally I'm done :DD Bought DS to school today and boifren played it alot. HAHA. Sooner or later she's going to dump me for a metallic rose DS! (: ooooo DS i love your slick shit body and your colour! :DDDD I love you guys all. Irreplaceble girls..
xoxo, the divine Wednesday, October 22, 2008
![]() i've got my DS! :D :D :D
more updates and pictures tmr (: YAYE YAYE YAYEE! :D CHEER FOR ME! :D :D :D cause i'm whirled in glee, dancing around happily :D -boyfriend ;D xoxo, the divine ![]() I forgot to mention, we won the 2nd for best class award! YAYE US! 2M you guys rock man! (: Haven gone to AMK hub so yea. tag replies. zh :) : Hey sexyae ass! haha relinked. ShuJing: YAYE DOUBLE SCI! :D 6 pointer too yo! Tessa: yes boifren! I'll miss you. Don't go laaaa oh well. 2 years in NJC, hopefully. Pamphila: :DDD Charmaine: YESS THEME SONG! :D 'If the heart is always searchingggggg...' continue quick! :D Jorina: Relinked.
xoxo, the divine ![]() HOHO The baby in our class has grown up! :D VIVIAN CHIN! I'm so proud of you! Eh, we have celebration yeas?! [: BUY STRAWBERRY CAKE. HAHAHHAA. :DDD 3 cheers for our tallest yet smallest baby! [[[: Remember your 'guy' name forever man! But then again who would forget Victor Vinson Chin Hai Mian Bao Bao Meng Man?! :DDDDDDDDDDD Once again, congrats mannnn! No longer a baby you tall spastic freak! I LOVE YOU! (: Boifren is so right, I'll totally talk bout my DS till it comes! It's still not here. I'm quite sad. Oh well, hopefully I'll have picture of the clique and stuff soon. Tomorrow's the last day of school.. How fast time flies! CLIQUE! Thanks for being there for me ALWAYS! Though our CLIQUE is the biggest clique ever, it is forever love! (: 13 of us forever! :D I love you girls! WO AI NI MEN! :DDD Let's take a clique picture EVERY YEAR alright! [: Submitted forms for streaming today. 1) Chem/Bio Purelit and SS/Geog. 2) Trip sci SS/Geog. Funny combi huh. Many asked why I didn't put trip sci first. Well, I don't want to take the risk for human :D I'm a KIASU freak laaaa. :DDDD I pray hard that I'll be in the same class as BABY! Though her choice is opposite mine!! PLEASE let us be in the same classss! (: But whatever comes, PAMPHILA is still my BABY! :D Might update more later if I go to AMK and get some stuff plus i dont like the com I'm using now. PLEASE LET ME GET MY DS LAAAAAA. CSI : cannot stand it. HHAAHAH :D BYEEEE! Tag replies later once I use Oddy's lappy if she does let me use it. :D
xoxo, the divine Monday, October 20, 2008
![]() BOOHOO. No DS today will be getting it during the weekend. (: Anyway, went for the ASEAN school tour thingy. VS guys are really funny and idk what to say. They like copied our answers. HAHA. ALl the schools were like rushing to answer for the pop quiz. -_- Still, the WUSHU was fabulous and so was the choir etc. [: Learn quite alot today I guess. I fell in love again. In love with a new song. That's like 3/4 songs this month! HAHA. (: I'm loving so many new songs recently thanks to the clique. (: The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting Could it be that we have been this way before? I know you don't think that I am trying I know you're wearing thin down to the core But hold your breath Because tonight will be the night That I will fall for you over again Don't make me change my mind Or I won't live to see another dayI swear it's true Because a girl like you's impossible to find You're impossible to find This is not what I intended I always swore to you I'd never fall apart You always thought that I was stronger I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start Oh, but hold your breath Because tonight will be the night That I will fall for you over again Don't make me change my mind Or I won't live to see another dayI swear it's true Because a girl like you's impossible to find It's impossible So breathe in so deep Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap And remember me tonight when you're asleep Because tonight will be the night That I will fall for you over again Don't make me change my mind Or I won't live to see another day I swear it's true Because a girl like you's impossible to find Tonight will be the night That I will fall for you over again Don't make me change my mind Or I won't live to see another day I swear it's true Because a girl like you's impossible to find You're impossible to find. (: I wish a guy would sing me this. I think I'll fall for the guy if he does sing me this. (: I was just thinking tonight. I've grown so attach just in a year. I think I'm gonna miss you like craaaazy when you're gone. D:
xoxo, the divine Sunday, October 19, 2008
![]() Was talking to Oddy just now about how HARDWORK pays OFF. Maybe I'm looking too ahead. I've already thought of what JC i want to go, how I want to be a 6 pointer girl in 2010. Is that really too far away? I don't think so because 2 years goes in a blink of an eye. I remember how I went back to pri in sec 1. 'Hey! What stream do you want to take in sec 3?' 'Isn't it a long time ago? -_- We're just sec 1.' 'Well, yea but I've decided. Trip sci for me!' 'Well, I won't lose out then! I'm aiming for trip sci too! HAH!' yes, I was the one in red. Looking back, it really pass so fast because I'm choosing my stream now. I'm taking 4B then 6G. I'm hoping baby takes the same stream! D: So yep, looking 2 years ahead is not biggie. Whatever stream I take, I'm really going to work hard and make sure I get 6 points in the end. Or well, at least close to it. A single digit hopefully. Oddy, maybe I'll let you use me (HAHAHA) and prove that arts students are in fact SMART too unlike what our aunties think. That only in sci stream you'll survive. We've got ourselves to prove them wrong. Let's work hard man! :DDDD You get into the uni you want and me the JC i want yea! [[[[: ALL THE WAY ODDY!
xoxo, the divine ![]() I'm seriously quite pissed off. I didn't went out today due to some things happening. THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME. I mean I can't believe how you stand me up! D: <<< I'll NEVER do the same thing please Especially when I'm the one who has a date with you first! I'll never forsake you la. This is so freaking irritating. OH well. What done is done. I expected it a long time ago. I'm just disappointed cause I really woke up early to dress and I really BADLY wanted to go out FYI, this is one of the few times i actually was suppose to go out after exams. I nearly called some people and SCREAM into the phone. But I didn't. Thank God I caught hold of my emotions. Anyway, MUMMY is probably getting my DS tomorrowwwww! UPDATES IF I REALLY GET IT TOMORROW!!!! :DDDDDD I'm getting METALLIC ROSE colour! HEEEEEE. By the way, congrats on getting baptise MAG! YAYE YOU! (: xoxo, the divine Saturday, October 18, 2008
![]() Slept again. (: Tired tired tired. Still haven decide what stream to take but probably PURE LIT, SS/GEO, CHEM/BIO. [: trip sci and ssgeog as second choice I guess. I hope Baby takes the same stream as me! CLASSMATE FOR 4 YEARS LUHHHHHH. )))))))))): It's so fun to be with her! Mummy might just be getting my DS soon. Hmmm. $350 with cover protecteor and 42 games OR $239 cover protector and 1 game? No idea what games there are though. Joker sia. I never thought of myself as pretty. HAHAA. I say I am to assure myself. LOL. But still, it's nice to hear that. Thanks manling :D xoxo, the divine Friday, October 17, 2008
![]() Training today was FUN! :DDD Did weights though like, I'm really weak. But it's a different routine today so it was quite interesting. The bball felt MAGICAL after doing the weights and stuff. ZOMG. so fun! Plus training ended at like 4! :DDDD HAPPYYYY! Went to bugis with joline and pok later on. Had dinner and came back. FUNFUNFUN! :DDDDD Decisions. Trip or Double? Lit and SS/geog or just SS/geog? 9th subject? Or 8 or 7? Desicions. Maybe i'll be in the same class as baby (: YAYE.
xoxo, the divine Thursday, October 16, 2008
![]() So, dinner was nice yesterday. ATE ALOT! :DDDD It was fun before dinner at Kendra's house. We changed uniform and took photos. upload another time. HAHA. anyway, it was fun. :DDDD training bright and early in the morning. I actually wanted to pon but went anyway. (: Quite alright I guess. Rushed off to Babycandy's house after that. Watch movies with baby bf and dorry. LIKE A WHOLE LOT. 4 girls and a fun time wad do you expect? ULTIMATE FUN! Had fun playing with prada, Baby's dog. SUPER CUTE! [: no, don't be upset. Cause if you are, I'll too..
xoxo, the divine Tuesday, October 14, 2008
![]() HOHO. Dinner with cousins again tomorrow! YAYEYAYE! Going kendra's house first. heh. Anyway, on last sunday I was super happy after the gathering. Becauseeeeee, EVERYONE SAY I SLIM DOWN AND BECOME PRETTIER! I'm laughing my ass off. Hilarious la. So much pimples hahahah. But still, they thought I was bulied or something cause they said I really slim down alot. Guess that image of me in primary 5 is still intact in their mind because everytime they say the same thing after seeing me. :DDD I'm not complaining though. HAHAHA. Training today was alright. Love the 'shoot shoot' part. HAHAHA. Resting tomorrow weeheeeeeeeee. Had hip-hop today for some programme too. -___________- I feel like I was line dancing instead of hip-hopping. HAHAHHAA. :DDDD Made a bet with oddy during dinner today. 125 for level and I'll get $5. Don't think I'll achieve it though. I don't want it to be like last year. miss 3 positions to 150. Damn irritating, $50 somemore! D:<<< Anyway, for her it will be only 1 E for all the subjects. The rest must be better then that. HEHHHH. Movie marathon at baby's house with clique! OOOO yeah pigging out on the couch. :DDDDD I'm growing fat. HAHAHA. :DDDDD Specially for Mr Nice. HELLOOOOOO! You totally rock! :D
xoxo, the divine Monday, October 13, 2008
![]() 'Don't leave Don't go. I don't want to see it end. We'll be back in 2010 right?' But the friend part of me says 'Do what you want. As long as you're happy I'm glad..' Torn between being a selfish teammate and a good friend all I can say is, Thanks for being a part of my journey during C div 08' You guys are and always will be part of me indefinitely. A part of Cedar Basketball C div 08' Thanks for everything. I really love you guys a lot. Even if more people were to leave, I'll still remember the tears and sweat on the court. It hurts when I delete those names from the group in my phone but, you guys deserve to do what you want. I hope you guys will really be happy with everything now. For the rest, I say we'll just treasure those memories and move forward. Let's just strive hard and do what we can. I really have loads more stuff to say about Sunday's gathering at Kendra's house. But, I just can't continue. Updates another time..
xoxo, the divine Sunday, October 12, 2008
![]() I have such a boring life. Woke up at 8 used the com and iron some clothes. Then, I felt like an inferior being to oddy cause I could not crack her lappy password. WHICH WAS SO EASY I MIGHT ADD. No more literature thoughts anymore. Did some quiz and I went back to sleep at 2 and I just woke up. BEST day of my life. SLEEP SLEEP AND MORE SLEEP. Haha. FINALLY now, I'm going for a gathering with cousins and all! :D SOMETHING TO DO. I'm going to bath now and I'm feeling so warm now. OH JOY!
xoxo, the divine ![]() 1)Last night, did u go to sleep happy? Yes. Quite. :D 2)When was the last time you changed clothes in front of someone? Friday after training. 3)Anyone told you a secret this week? Don't think so. 4) Did you have a good day yesterday? Maybe 5) What was the highlight of today? Going to cousin's house! 6) Do you ever turn your cell phone off? When I sleep 7) What happened at 3:00am today? Sleeping 8) When was the last time you took a picture with your number 1 friend? Can't remember 10) Do you hate anyone? Not really. REALLY REALLY dislike though. 11) Do they know who they are? Maybe? 12) What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? Bread 13) When did you last cry? Can't remember 14) Have you ever collapsed on the bathroom floor? Ummm. Once when I was young? I was tired. 15) Do you have a good relationship with your mother? UHhh. maybe 16) Are you slowly distancing from someone you love? I don't know 17) When was the last time you bought something? Hmmm. Yesterday 18) Have you ever told someone you love them? Yes. 19) Do you continue fighting in an argument even though you know you're wrong? If i Don't like the person 21) What do you want in your life right now? DS. 22) Is there anyone that calls you baby? Pamphila Gladys. 23) In the next 4 months what are you looking forward to the most? Nothing much 24) Why? idk. 25) Who were the last 5 texts in your inbox from? Oddy, Clement, Duncan, Joline, Peiwen 26) What are you thinking of right now? How to answer this Q. 27) When and where was the last time you partied? Idk. 29) Have you ever been tanning? Training? 30) Have you ever sat and waited for someone to come online? Yes 31) When was the last time you laughed so hard you thought you were going to cry? A long time ago. 32) Have any crazy family members? HAHA. you think? 33) Did you tell someone something today? 'Eh wake up' 34) Do you wear Crocs? NO. You want me to get my toe rip off?! 35) Do you like dressing up? Kinda 36) Have you ever considered a sex change? HAH. yes. 38) What will you buy next? Tank tops hopefully 39) Are you bored? If I'm not I wont be doing this quiz 40) What's on your mind right now? Seeing my cousins. 41) What are you wearing? PINK tee and WHITE AND BLACK jersey shorts. 42) Any plans for today ? Not really 44) What's the connection between you and the last person that called you? mummy. 45) What's your favorite Gatorade flavor? Blueberry 46) What's the nicest text in your inbox say? No way. You'll look nice in anything (: 47) What is/are your phones? HUH? 48) What's beside you right now? Air molecules 49) Where do you want to be right now? here. 50)what is it that you find true disgusting? BUGS.
xoxo, the divine ![]() Hooray! Quizes you know what this means! *drumrolls* DANG! Yes, I'm bored. ARE YOU: Perfect : No. Tall: 1.6 tall? Yea maybe then. HA. :D In your pajamas: Not today! Left handed: Nope. ======================================= LAST Friend you saw: Peiwen Talked to on the phone: Mummy Person to text you: Oddy Is today better than yesterday?: maybe. ======================================= FAVORITE Numbers: 14, 4, 26 Color: BLACK AND RED Food: Loads. I'm a greedy ass. Place: My bedroom ======================================= QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up? Look in the mirror and go 'OOO! My eyebags are gone.' Q: Do you have anything bothering you Nope. Q: What's the last movie you watched? Housebunny with clique! Q: Where is the 1st place you went? Not sure Q. Do you smile a lot? *SMILES* yes. Q: Do you wish upon stars? Duh. Q: Are you a friendly person? Who will say ' I'm not a friendly person!' Q: Where did you sleep last night? Bed Q: Why did you sleep there? Because it's my bed DUH. Q: When was the last time you cried? Can't remember Q: What was your last thought before going to bed? OH great, I'm sleeping at 10.30. I really sleep alot this week. Q: Rate life as of right now, 9.9/10 Q: What do you hear right now? Fan blowing, heart beating, hands typing. Q: Does anything hurt you right now? Nah. Q: What's your favorite month? February! :D ======================================= EMOTIONS: Are you missing someone right now? Not really Are you single? YUP! :D Single and happy Have step-parents? NAH-UH ======================================= BASICS: Real name : SHERLIN! :D Nick Name: ALOT. Age : 14 Eye color: black Male or female: female Single? : yes and happy. Crushing? : I guess Smart? : I WISHED! Hair color? : Black Sweats or Jeans? : Jeans Phone or Camera? : Depends Health freak? : I want to. Righty or lefty ? : Righty SMOKE or Drink? : Neither. ====================================== FIRSTS: First best friends? : Peiwen, and still is along with other besties :D First award? : OHOH! COURTEOUS AWARD in primary 1. HAHAHA. First enemy? : The guy I punched in pri 2 :D Sorry. haha First pet? : Debbie the HAMSTER! First vacation? : Australia. ===================================== CURRENTLY : Eating? : Nope Drinking? : Nope Listening to? : Nothing Plans for tommorow? : School and slack, sleep, try to solve 4x4 maybe Waiting for? : oddy to come home and type her password ======================================= WHICH IS BETTER WITH THE OPPOSITE GENDER: Lips or eyes? : EYES :D Shorter or taller? : Depends Romantic or spontaneous? : I'm greedy. Both! Sensitive or loud? : Both :D Hook-up or in a relationship? : Relationship duhh ======================================= HAVE YOU EVER: Drank hard drinks? : Nope Lost glasses/contacts? : YES. worst thing ever Ran away from home? : Nope. Broken someone's heart? : Nah. Been arrested? : NO. =================================== ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: Do you like someone? : haha. maybe? :D Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? : Kinda. :DDDD YAYE I finish. HAHA.
xoxo, the divine Saturday, October 11, 2008
![]() Music class later, SHEESH. I really really detest music. I don't even feel like taking it. OH FREAK. zheru didn't print my arrangement for me. GREAT How am I going to do my music now. D:<<<< Oh well.. I really don't like the fact that mummy always think Oddy is smarter then me. It's seriously irritating like, 'She just never study, lazy. She's very smart one.' I mean what the shit?! I've been doing better then her and you just say she is smarter. Even if she really is smarter then me why can't you just say that I've done well too. I mean, I studied at least say I'm hardworking right. Even that DS you promised, I doubt you will buy it. Forget it, I'm getting sick of waiting and wondering if you are really serious about buying it. Everytime it's like that. You never really keep your promises at times. 'Next month next time' I'm sick of trying my best and getting nothing at all. All I want is a praise from you at times, and when was the last time you praise me. I think it was probably when I was a baby or something. Even at primary school all i get was. 'Why never get higher. How come so careless' I just want to hear a good word. Damn it.
xoxo, the divine Thursday, October 09, 2008
![]() OH joy! :D Result day today and I'm pleased. NO C for EOY! :D Yes even chineseee. which is my worst sub having flunked the 2 common test. :DDDD YAYEEEEEE! Hopefully my CA doesn't pull my marks down that badly. :D I'm so happy for pok too. A2 sehhhh I'll treat you la. I promised. (: YAYEEEEE. Mummy better buy me a DS! :DDDDDDDDDDD OH JOY! Training was alright today. Guess I was so glad that I couldn't really feel the tiredness Anyway, training today was quite slack too, cept for the first part. :DDDDDDDD OH JOYYYYYYYYYY! HAHAHA.
xoxo, the divine Wednesday, October 08, 2008
![]() Cause if one goes all will too, including me. School today was booooring. SLACK SLACK AND MORE SLACKING. Thunders, lightening and more thunders and lightening now. Leena, I bet you love them huh. I mean look at your blog skin! :D I got a fright by the thunder and lightning. Results tomorrow. I'm scared. Matty, HYPERVENTILATE. HAHAHA :D I'm scared and yet excited at the same time. OH YAYE.
xoxo, the divine Tuesday, October 07, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() xoxo, the divine ![]() I shall update pictures of me and baby later. It's damn spastic. Haha she's more of my photographer that day :D Today's training is terribleeeeee. I'm serious. Aching like crazy. I hate running seriously, but still I need to run. WHY DO THEY NEED TO CHANGE THE RULE. I'm walking like a penguin. Can anyone carry me to my bedroom later please? DDDD: Clique, I can't play twister tomorrow already. I can't even bend down. I'll help you guys spin the thing though. Hahaa. Though I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Wednesday OH JOY! NO TRAINING. But there's training on thursday and friday. WTS. DDDD: Oh wells. Results are back on thurs. If i don't do well, i'll run more to punish myself. If I do well, I'll probably be too happy to really care how much we run. :D xoxo, the divine Monday, October 06, 2008
![]() I take back my words. D: TRAINING IS HORRIBLEEEEE. My legs are wobbly after running extra 5 rounds with Joline. BOOHOOO. Still, enjoyed the match part a little at the end. Was with JIAMIN! hahaha. GREY colour rocks right. Anyway, enough said went with baby to sentosa! :DDD It was quite tiring but I really enjoy it. Wrote names on the sand but the water wash them away. Oh well, it will be in my heart. [: Got loads of picture but it's all with baby! It's in her camera. :DDD Shall get it and upload it soon I hope! It's really funnnnnnn! Yaye. Let's go out soon again baby! We walked like at least 3km today huh. Healthy people. :D xoxo, the divine Sunday, October 05, 2008
![]() One small incident to make me realise so many things. Thanks you helped me unknowingly. You mean so much more. Who am I kidding. It's been more then a year. I should know better. I'm looking forward to wednesday! [[: I'm suddenly looking forward to training tomorrow even though I'll die. (:
xoxo, the divine ![]() YAYE! First time I woke up at 10.30 on a sunday morning! :DDDD I know I'm such a loser. Most people would always do that! But finally no morning tuition! Spent the day before slacking. Well, I did go to active park with oddy and her friend to bball and run. AND DAMN! My bball skills is getting rusty! I can't shoot anymoreeeeeeee. Even a underbasket! So dead on monday man. Well, I ran A LITTLE too. After one round it feels like I just finish the timing back at old cedar. HAHAHAHA. Congrats sherlin! You're going to die on monday! Oh I'm looking forward to it! SHEESHHHHHHHHH. Maybe we're all confuse bout it. Its only a very short time right. But, I'll keep my promise and you keep yours. :D The 3 promises!
xoxo, the divine Saturday, October 04, 2008
![]() Joline Lim {B-)} says: IM BLOG HOPPING! Joline Lim {B-)} says: HAHAHA SHERLIN__ fourteeeen; Please don't make it start again, just when we're getting closer. says: hahha where are you at now? Joline Lim {B-)} says: HOME Joline Lim {B-)} says: haha Joline Lim {B-)} says: i think im gonna play ball or run Joline Lim {B-)} says: as in like with myself so loser la Joline Lim {B-)} says: HAHAHA SHERLIN__ fourteeeen; Please don't make it start again, just when we're getting closer. says: i mean WHICH BLOG LA. SHERLIN__ fourteeeen; Please don't make it start again, just when we're getting closer. says: HAHAHAHA. OMG you're damn funny SHERLIN__ fourteeeen; Please don't make it start again, just when we're getting closer. says: this conversation is going to my blog I'm such a lose with no life. Even this is making me laugh. HAHAHA xoxo, the divine ![]() Oddy tag me sooo. yup. Pick your birth month→ Strike out anything that doesn’t apply to you→ Bold the five-ten that best apply to you→ Copy to your blog→ Tag 10 people from your friends list 1. Leena 2. Jayejaye 3. Wanjun 4. Serene Da jieee 5. Shujing 6. Tessa bf 7. Tessa cousin 8. Chingna 9. Zheru 10.Sean I tried not to tag people whose birthday on nov. Cause there isn't any november. Sorry if i forgot your birthday. JANUARY: Stubborn and hard-hearted. Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught. Always looking at people’s flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize. Hardworking and productive. Smart, neat and organized. Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others happy. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather reserved. Highly attentive. Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. Loves children. Loyal. Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. Very stubborn and money cautious. FEBRUARY: Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizes dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions. MARCH: Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate. Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented. Loves special things. Moody. APRIL: Active and dynamic. Decisive and hasty but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people’s problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving. Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see. MAY: Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic. Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children. Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift. JUNE: Thinks far with vision. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Able to show character. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Brand conscious. Executive. Stubborn. JULY: Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood.Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people’s feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Likes to be quiet. Homely person. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover. AUGUST: Loves to joke. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless. Firm and has leadership qualities. Knows how to console others. Too generous and egoistic. Takes high pride in oneself. Thirsty for praises. Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry when provoked. Easily jealous. Observant. Careful and cautious. Thinks quickly. Independent thoughts. Loves to lead and to be led. Loves to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. Learns to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends. SEPTEMBER: Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and organized. Likes to point out people’s mistakes. Likes to criticize. Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal but not always honest. Does work well. Very confident. Sensitive. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Must control oneself when criticizing. Able to motivate oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around. Secretive. Loves leisure and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Very choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic. OCTOBER: Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to take things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn’t pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of what others think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses confidence. Loves children. DECEMBER: Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egotistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical. Ohkay, done. I actually want to highlight all the good stuff about people born in february. Haas. Oh well.
xoxo, the divine ![]() YAYEEEEEE! Exams are over and the last paper made me happy cause I could cope with it. But surprisingly, I'm not that happy. I have so many things on my mind. Bball, stuff and more stuff. I'm really confuse now. I wish the 8th was here already! I can't wait. D: Anyway, went out with the clique to watch house bunny yesterday. Had lunch too which cause me to be unable to eat dinner even though I ate at 1 plus and I only ate yongtaufu. It was quite okay, the movie I guess. Went with baby to buy stuff later. She got a cat and I got a rabbit! Red rabbit with my black phone. My favourite 2 colours, just like my bball shoe. Went to the sky park and talk alot. [: Thanks girls, I kinda know what to do about it. Love you girls. The only thing I'm looking forward to is DS, and the 8th. Aw man, come already. Like you said bimbo, maybe it isnt just a small one? Maybe its serious and the other is just a passing phrase.
xoxo, the divine Wednesday, October 01, 2008
![]() So, I did SOME maths. Havin tuition at 6 later. Anywayyyyy, pok, you're becoming a STAR on my blog! SEEE, everyone agrees with me that you are damn (act) CUTE! OH YAYE YOU! *does the london tipton claps* HAHAHAHA.
xoxo, the divine ![]() I'm suppose to be studying nowwwwwwww. Like piling myself with mathematics my most hated subject which I won't do well. ONE MORE. JIAYOU. Get your ass of the computer sherlin! AND I CANNOT BELIEVE TRAINING IS STARTING ON THE 6TH. Someone tell me I got the WRONG notice!!!! Don't make it start again. I'm waiting for your promise! (:
xoxo, the divine |
The Divine Queen I know everyone wants to be divine. How exactly do you be divine then? Find out from yours truly, the divine queen here Blogroll They are their defination of divine there Tagboard
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