Monday, June 30, 2008
![]() GAD. Today's training was terrible. Everyone was so tired and all. I piggyback and pair up with Lynn at first. She's super strong. Like I'm so heavy she can carry. Then I piggyback Rachel and I sorta let go. Cause I kept laughing and I couldn't grab her legs properly. I collapse on the floor and laughed like a crazy woman. Then we did wheelbarrow I partner Rachel again. Managed to did mine properly but Rachel didn't. Cause she was so unstable and then I couldn't grab her leg properly again and started laughing like crazy LOL. Jiaolian sorta chided me cause in the previous match I let the center take the ball. So, note to self. No more letting centers take the ball and QIE in! D: Shucks swimming tomorrow. EWWWWWWW. I'd look so awful fat fat fat. Aww man D: Hmmm quite proud of myself today! Managed to pay attention in class! YAYE! Lit was super funny. *click slide* woah *click slide* WOAH *click slide* WOAHHHHHHHH~ Haha. (: Damn funny. Was stuck in a small jam on the way home. It was so terrible! So cold and slowwwwww. But smsing help pass the time. Haha. Hey, I'm proud of you even though you guys lost kay! So cheer up and beat the next school cause we hate him right! :D I'm tired of my constant thought echoing in my mind.
xoxo, the divine Sunday, June 29, 2008
![]() Hmmm too much romance stories. I want a boyfriend now. Like Jacob Black or well, maybe Edward Cullen. This sucks I WANT A WEREWOLF/VAMPIRE for a boyfriend. D: Bella is so lucky, so is baby. Anyway, I went swimming today. The water was fineeee. ((: Time seem to froze when I was holding my breathe. Bubbles just seem to just keep rising up and above. Like a new life rising. It was then I wondered hey, if bubbles rising seem to be a new life, then can't it be the meaning of death too? Bubbles with air rises up and they will all just pop and be gone. Doesn't that seem like death too? I suddenly couldn't hold my breathe like this shortage of gas. Bleah it felt so terrible. haha. Ohkay the above part bout life and death is crap. I have no idea what I was talking about. But still swimming was fun. I feel so tired now. (: OHOH! I suddenly remember this! i had this super funny dream bout the team. First we were playing with this bball team it's a guy team. [Name of school shall not be reveal. Ask me personally. :D] We started the match and the bball was like a medicine ball. It was damn heavy. Then rachel-pok managed to do a fast break among all the guy and then she was about to score when the ball roll off her hand cause it was too heavy. The mortal came and shoot. It managed to roll in! So the score was 2-0. Then later there was this super funny break and we had to rush upstage and complete singing some songs to get crabsticks (eh yea its crabstick. that seafood thingy) to dunk into this small bball neton the stage. Super weird lar. So one of us went up and started singing then started grabbing crabsticks to dunk. Since the guy could grab them too and prevent us form scoring points, me and joline were super kiasu and started grabbing them as soon as the person threw it. DAMN HILARIOUS LAR. At the end of the first half, we were leading 25-4. Then I woke up. haha. Super weird and funny dream! :D
xoxo, the divine Friday, June 27, 2008
![]() Today was hmmm kinda alright? I didn't really pay attention in class. Damn. This has to totally stop. I NEED TO CONCENTRATE. Next week onwards, no more playing. Anyway, after school was fun shit. Bimbo was so funny. She takes a minute to get my questions in her head. 'Soooo, are you single but unavailable?' 'Soooo, do you want a homie?' 'Soooo, are you attached but available?' her answers are always. *Stone* 'HUH? You meannnnnnnn....' It was damn funny. Bimbo says I look attached and I'd always reject guys. Ha. I wished, If only that was true. Then she said I look like hello kitty for some unknown reason. GAH. I do not want to look like some humongous giant cat headed freak with no mouth. Went to music room and played with the computers. Took funny pictures with baby and chaaarmaine. (: Super fun. Shall post the unglam pictures if I do get them. Went home with Charmaine after that. Saw bervyn they all playing bball on the way home. Damn, I know I'm a short center kay. This is so random but i realise oddy can sing to the song 'love makes the world go round' by the powerpuff girls. So funny. Like she really can sing along to it. This aside. Can someone please tell me why our whole team is talking all about dugongs suddenly? :OO It's like over a day and suddenly 'POOF!' DUGONGS are dominating our team. It's like damn hilarious. :DDDDDDDD I thought alot when I was in the car today. I guess you just pity me and hence you did that. If that's the case, thanks but I rather you not pity me. I don't need anyone to pity me I'm capable of doing stuff. But you have no idea how I wished what she say was true. With you.
xoxo, the divine Thursday, June 26, 2008
![]() Today was not baddd! Lessons were alright but maths was for the first time ever boring. But i still survived it. (: Left at recess to go for match. It was so quiet in CCAB as we were the first people to have match. Saw darling and waved like crazy. She's soooo cute. (: Anyway, played the first 2 quarter and 4th quarter 5 mintues! :D It was quite ohkay I guess. Scored the same no of goals and foul the same number. OMGGGGGG. Mummy just came back and she got me my 4x4! YAYE! Ohkay back to the post. No one came today cause they were all in school so the whole team got high ourselves. 'SCORE' YAYEEEEEEE! WHOOOO. NICE ONEEEEEE! Haha. it was damn funny. Chia wanted us to win 60 points and above. So the last few mintues we were like 'oh shit. Chia sure scold us. Less then 60' ' comeon cedar! 3 more balls!' And in the end, we managed to win by 61. When joline got the last ball in, me and mortal and all were like YAYE! now chia won't scold us! Haha. (: I love the team.
xoxo, the divine Wednesday, June 25, 2008
![]() I know its like kinda late. YESSSS. 10 is late for a person with a match the next day. :D But i still to need to blog this cause I promised someone I would. MAGDALENE TAN PEI IS MY FAVOURITEEEEEEEEEE SENIOR! Ha. :D Happy mag? Cause she was so nice to go with me and some sec 2s to eat and went home with me. :DDDDDDDDD So there. Mag is my favourite senior for now. (((: Ohkay so today's training was alright But lessons sorta suck. I was too tired to concentrate and I didn't felt like reading the chinese book during chinese. So i sort of cheated. x) Like 2-4 stories then a chapter of new moon. (: I'm sorry. But chinese is really boringggggggg at times. Mrs Tan complained about my fringe again. So tomorrow I'm going to clip it up and put a hair-band. So I'll end up looking SUPER toot lar. Plus we're leaving class at 10.30 Oh crap. I better take my jersey out first. Stupid fugly coloured jersey. But as the seniors said, i doesn't matter as long as you play well. :D Anyway, I kinda hate it and love it as in the part bout skiping class. Cause I can skip lessons when I'm feeling tired. But can't seem to understand stuff. Especially maths. I go so furstrated with it just now I really felt like crying. Thanks God I'm not missing it tomorrow though I'm missing chinese sci and el. DDDDDDDDD: I need to get my tuition teacher to teach me gahhhh. Anyway, Team let's jiayou tomorrow! We can do it. (: Cause we're a great team! Let's not make jiaolian angry tomorrow kay! :DDDDDDD Jiayou! I'm not going to make stupid mistakes tomorrow! HEEE. (: I'm tired now and I need to sleep. I pray that God will lead us through tomorrow. OH yea. Ivan yong. I know you won't really come here, but. CONGRATS! I told you that you guys wil make it! Haha. (: Nice game.
xoxo, the divine Tuesday, June 24, 2008
![]() I lost. Real badly to myself. What kind of player am I? I can't even shoot a proper underbasket like how I do during training. I missed so many shots today. I was already wanting to puke during the second quarter. Where has all the stamina gone to? Even if its nervous I shouldn't have let it affect me that badly. I don't really think I deserve to be called a bballer for this game. Fears are constantly in my heart. What exactly happen to me? I'm so weak mentally. This sucks. I'm gonna try harder on the court the next time I get a chance. I need to treasure everytime on the court. Today was really crap for me but for the team, I guess it was a good game overall. Nice one guys. 67-12. I told my grandpa to buy 4D on it. haha. (: Plus leenalee! YOU QIE IN!! But you went out again. haha. (: nice try though! God, I thank you for leading and guiding us through today. Amen. (:
xoxo, the divine Monday, June 23, 2008
![]() Gosh I feel like puking every single time I think about tomorrow. I'm like serious. I missed so many shots today! I'm really scared. But now I think I'm feeling abit better. (: Thanks to charlotte letter about what yulaoshi said. Scared also need to play not scared also need to play. Might as well relax and play. :DD Anyway, hey cdiv 08'! We've been together for about a year and a half for the sec 2s and half a year for bat. Let's jiayou and make us proud. Not anyone but ourself. Winning and Losing, they are nothing. They are just scores. What matters is whether we did your best. Carpe Diem! :D We can do it and I know we can. Let's just not think of anything on the court and just focus alright? I'll always remember that if I'm scared I've another 11 teammates to help me out. (: So let's jiayou! I'm gonna pyscho myself tonight before sleeping. 'RUSSEL RUSSEL RUSSEL' 'REBOUND REBOUND REBOUND' 'UNDERBASKET UNDERBASKET UNDERBASKET' :D Haha. I will not be afraid for God will lead me through this yea? -Fear can hold you prisoner, Hope can set you free.-
xoxo, the divine Sunday, June 22, 2008
![]() Got tag by trevis soo I decided to just do for the fun of it. Rule: People who had been tagged has to start with 10 random facts about themselves. At the end of the quiz you'll have to choose 10 people & tag them about the quiz 1. I'm really scared now for tuesday 2. I'm super slack at times 3. I can't be bothered to run during training sometimes 4. I like this face alot. n_n 5. I'm starting to get addicated to saying this to oddy. 'Q Q MORRRR' 6. I watch totally spies cause I'm bored 7. I'm having digestiong problems recently 8. I enjoy long bus rides when I'm free 9. I like watching guys play bball and not girls cause its not as exciting. 10. I think people who like 4, 5, and 14 are cool.
xoxo, the divine Saturday, June 21, 2008
![]() I'm scared I'm scared. I know I shouldn't be. I mean hey, it isn't my first time on the court against another school. But I can't help it. I never felt that way last year so why this year? I don't know, I'm just very scared. Is it cause darlinq is in the opponent school which is why I'm scared? Is it cause their centers are taller then me so I'm scared? Is it the fear of not getting into nationals that I'm scared? Is it the fact that my knee hurts so I'm scared? Is it that dream that made me scared? cause dreams are suppose to be the opposite of reality. Why am I scared? I have no idea. I'm not suppose to be so scared. I've been through this so many times since p5 and I never felt fear so why now? My stomach churns every single time I think about this. I might seem alright but my heart is beating so fast everytime I think of this 6 numbers. 240608. I'm really scared how? But whatever it is, I'm sure I'll give my best on the court. I will NOT let fear overtake my heart. Hey, we're all the same age. On the court nothing is certain because we're all just kids. If I'm scared of them they should be scared of me too cause I believe we train as much as they do or even harder. God, lead me, us through this journey where our dreams are one. To win and get into the nationals. Give me the strength to continue no matter how tired I am. Amen. Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. xoxo, the divine ![]() just pictures for now. (: I think I look really ugly last time.SO FAT lar! DDDD: Though I'm sitll fat now but last time was really FATTTTTT. Plus I was in the TAF club last time. EWWWWWWWWW.
xoxo, the divine ![]() Just finish training. (: Gosh 3 days without running or shooting and I don't feel like myself. Missed so many shots. must JIAYOU! :DDD Anyway, we collected all our clothes already. THE WARM UP-TEE IS SO MUCH NICER THEN THE JERSEY. The jersey is like soooo big! I totally hate the dark colour one. Freaking gross. I'm like currently checking out what colour jersey will we be wearing more. I think its white if I'm not wrong cause i think the name on the left is white so yupp. (: Had super load of fun on the way there. 'EH BUS! RUN LARRRR' 'Next time we should write porkpork not pokpok' 'HAHAHA Damn funny lar. later the opponent was like ''EHH Got pork running on the court'' ' HAHAHAHAA. Super funny lar. And Rachel kept giving the -_- face. Haha. :DDD Anyway, yesterday I went to divya house to do the D&T project. haha Went to meet Rachel after that to go to SBC to see match. It was damn funny lar. 'eh Rachel where are you? I think you're going to kill me ler' 'why?' 'cause I'm like late lar. eh dont angry ler' ' Wait ar later I call you' 'Shucks where are you! Don't angry hor. You angry very scary ler. DDD:' Then she called me and she was like 'I'm still at tanamerah.' HAHHA. She was like later then me! So we cab there in the end. (: Didn't miss any part of the matches. The match was quite good I guess. Haha. 4 rock. :DDD Anyway went to eat with Rachel after that. Ohkay well I didn't eat. I watched Rachel-pok eat. (: Went home later while Rachel headed for TPM. Had Japanese food for dinner! It was like my first proper meal cause I only ate 2 pieces of bread in the morning. Had loads of fun playing snakes and ladder later at the ice-cream shop. '2! 2! 2! *throws dices and its 2*' **HORRIFIED FACE** OMGGGG! I WINNNNNNN!' 'whatever lar NONSENSE AR YOU!' haha it's so fun being with my cousins. (: 3 more days and everything for the past one and a half year will be used. Jiayou team. What matters is we tried our best right. Don't have any regret and carpe Diem. Seize the time you're on the court. We can do this yeah! :D I love you all!
xoxo, the divine Thursday, June 19, 2008
![]() Shitake. I fell again. My elbow hurts like crazy and its the same feeling as the last time i fell. Like the bone came out of place a little that kind of feeling. Shitake lar. I haven been taking care of myself and I'm falling everywhere and hurting myself everywhere. C div is coming in like 5 days and I'm injured. Gosh what the hell is happening! I'm going t see the doctor again if I don't get well though I hate the medicine. I thought a lot on the way home on what I wanted to be next time. I narrow it down to 3 things. 1) Teacher 2) Taitai 3) Psychiatrist and what I would NOT want to be next time 1) Housewife I want to be a teacher like really a lot. After seeing Mrs Lee today, I feel that a teacher is really so noble. Like you do so much for your students just so they can succeed in life next time. You will really feel joy when you see your students succeed. I want that kind of joy too. My life has too little joy. TAI TAI. Haha. I bet this is the job I'll love the most. But of course I'll need to first find a super rich boyfriend who is smart and everything I want in a guy[which will happen in another 5 years or so I hope!]. (: Still I would use the money my husband give me to open a shop or something and just collect rent. Hee. I mean what if one day something happen? At least I have something to fall back on :D I want to play LOADS of mahjong and I want to buy loads of pretty clothes. So I guess that would be like the BEST job for me! :D Of course with sooo much money I'll totally give some to charity. Haha. I like to share the joy man! (: Psychiatrist. Hmmm. Why do I want this job? I guess its cause you can earn big bucks and you can like help people. (: It's really cool when you can actually 'read' people's mind. So yea. I guess I would like to be a Psychiatrist. HEEE. Anyone currently wants to be my first patient? Hmmmm. Anyway I would totally hate being a housewife. Firstly, a housewife is totally different from a TAI TAI. A taitai has a MAID to do housework for her. A housewife has to do all the housework herself. I totally hate doing household chores though I got to say, I DO them now at home. But yea I don't like doing them though I do them. :D This is such a random post! Haha.
xoxo, the divine Wednesday, June 18, 2008
![]() Rules: 1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. 2. Each player answers the questions about themselves. 3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog. Starting time: 2154 PM Name: SHERLIN! :D Sisters: 1 Brothers: 0 Shoe size: 7-9? depends Height: 160cm Where do you live: Somewhere on this earth. Favourite drinks: Fruit punch Favourite breakfast: Mac Have you ever been on a plane?: yup. Swam in the ocean: uh. Not really. play only Fallen asleep at school: yup in geog class. =X Broken someone鈥檚 heart: HUh. Nope. Don't think so. Fell off your chair: HAHA. yea cause I was spinning around Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Yes. Saved e-mails: yup What is your room like: blue and yellow with my stuff What 鈥檚 right beside you: I can't read that cheena word ler. What is the last thing you ate: Jap food. Ever had Chicken pox: DUH. My cousins and I were like eh spread it then all fall sick at one time easier to take care. Sore throat: Haha. yup Stitches: Nah Broken nose: No, but my nose hurt when jiamin whack the ball on me during jump ball Do you Believe in love at first sight: maybe? Like picnics: Ummm. not bad. Who was/were the last person/people you danced with: WINTER like before training or something Last smile you made: I just smiled for this question. ahha. You last yelled at: Oddy cause I was so stressed up and she refuse to iron my clothes for me. Today did you: Talk to someone you like: Like yea? I like my teammates, friends and family :D Kissed anyone: No. Get sick: My knee hurts thats all. Miss someone: Ohkay lar Eat: Like 2 hours ago and I feel so bloated Best feeling in the world: Being loved Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Totally. Woogigagaga is the LOVE. What鈥檚 under your bed: Erm. cheena word. -__- Who do you really hate: myself at times What time is it now?: 2202 Random: Is there a person who is on your mind now: Like yea, anne they all. (: Do you have any siblings: yup Do you want children: Uh. depends ler :D Do you smile often: UH. depends on what's my mood. Do you like your hand-writing: not bad. (: It's like my own style Are your toe nails painted: Nope Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: I don't know. What color shirt are you wearing now: Black and orange. It's actually my last year jersey. What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: Bathing I can鈥檛 wait till: cheena words. x) When did you last cry: On sunday but I'm fine already Are you a friendly person: Like who will say they aren't? Anyway I'm nice lar Do you have any pets: Used to. Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: Not sure home I think. Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: Yup. Do you sleep with the TV on?: No. I don't have a teevee in my room. What are you doing right now?: Eating a lollipop and typing. Have you ever crawled through a window?: I can't remember Can you handle the truth?: No. I can't sometimes Are you too forgiving?: Haha. Maybe. Are you closer to your mother or father?: I'm closer to oddy. Who was the last person you cried in front of?: Oddy. How many people can you say you鈥檝e really loved?: cheena words. but I think its loads. Do you eat healthy?: I try. Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: Yea recently. If you鈥檙e having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: GOD. (: Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: Depends on who I'm with and where I am Are you confident?: I try too be. (: Confidence is the key to success. 5 things I was doing 10 years ago: 1. Singing songs aloud 2. Being super whiny 3. Acting as if I really was a PRINCESS 4. Being proud of my AWFULLLL drawing 5. Following my granny everywhere she went. 5 things on my to-do list today : 1. SLeep early 2. Take care of my knee 3. Pack my bag 4. Finish bits and pieces of my work left 5. Try not to think of sad stuff 5 snacks I enjoy: 1. Sweets but not always 2. Sandwhiches 3. Fruit drink 4. Fake Sharkfin 5. Auntie sharon's PASTA! :D 5 things I would do if I were a billionaire: 1. BUY A DSlite 2. Donate to charity 3. Buy a big house for my family and relative 4. Save money 5. Recruit all the bballers I want to form a team for me and play under the team name 'SHERLIN's DOMINTATION TEAM!' :D 5 of my bad habits: BLeah like you would want to know. 5 places I have lived in: 1. My house 2. Granny house 3. Uncle andrew house 4. Kendra house 5. Tssa house 5 jobs I鈥檝e had: 1. Some stuffing letter inside envelope thingy 2. Being a cousin to play with 3. Bballer 4. Student 5. Working at uncle steven's office. 5 people i tag : I lazy tag lar. who want do go do lor.
xoxo, the divine ![]() GAHHHHHHHHH! MUSIC EXAM IS OVERRRRR! I'm all smilessssss! :DDDDDD Actually when I just woke up from my afternoon nap I was crying. Cause I was so stress up! I couldn't even iron my clothes properly! DDD: But, it's over and hopefully I can passs! God please help me make it through! (: Hmmm. My listening had alot of help form the teacher. Improvisation and sight playing was BLEAH. Hopefully I can get a C for both then it will probably alright? Song playing was ohkay though I didn't get the song I wanted 'I want to hold your hands' DDD: I got beauty and the beast instead. But it was alright I guess. :DDDDDD SUper happy about arrangement cause the teacher said this ' you practise alot right? (:' HAHAHA. :DDDD So, i guess its alright. ((((: I feel really damn relaxed now. MUAHAHA. Now all I need to do is take care of my knee and start finishing the bits and pieces of my homework left. :DDDD YAYE! SHERLIN IS HAPPY!!!! :DDDDDD
xoxo, the divine Tuesday, June 17, 2008
![]() I went to see the chinese doctor. Firstly I have bad news. The doctor said that my knee wasn't a first time injury. It's quite bad and if I continue hurting it. I can't play bball anymore or do any sports. If it's any worst my leg will probably be useless. I can't remember if he DID say something like that. Secondly, he gave me some medicine to eat. It's so bitter and yucky that I can't sallow it properly. It looks so gross and it's like this big a tub. See the one beside the drink? It's that big. 5 tablespoon 3 times a day. GROSS. Here's what it looks like after mixing it up. I took half an hour to sallow it cause I kept wanting to puke it out. I hate it. Aw man. This sucks. I don't care if I ever fall and can't get up. I will fall on the court cause that's where I want to be. But I need to rest now before cdiv. So no training tomorrow. Hey teammates! Jiayou for tomorrow's training though I won't be there, my heart is there with you all! (: ILY guys!
xoxo, the divine ![]() This sucks. Music exam tomorrow and the more I practice the more mistakes I make. Today's match was terrible. I did ALOT of mistakes and I hate myself. I made rachel like so angry cause I block her way. Shucks. Sorry. DD: I felt that the people were like super rough and the referee was a bit biased. Cause alot of fouls weren't called. And I don't think we travel at all! But oh well, it's over. I think those players were not our age either. Haha. Like they are probably 15 years and above? (: Hmmm. I'm going to see the sinseh later. I'm like a little scared. What if he cracks my knee or something? It would be damn pain! DDDDDD: Oh and I'm not going for training tomorrow. Cause 1) my mum has no transport to fetch me 2) I doubt I can train 3) I have music lessons at 9.30-11.30 before my exam. So yup, not going. Bleah. Jiayou all! More updates after I finish my dinner and after the visit to the doctor if there is anything interesting. muaha. (:
xoxo, the divine Monday, June 16, 2008
![]() After training and lunch( with the rest) I went to TOYSRUS with rachel-pok! (: Went to the arcade before that and played some game. Rachel own goal like 3 times and in the end, I won! (: We went into toysrus later on. I adore toysrus alot. It's so magical and I always feel so happy after leaving there. (: Rachel hold on to this tigger once she enter and didn't let go until we left. She seem to really like it alot! (: Haha. Look at this as a proof! She still pose for me! (: I saw my dream house inside there. I won't mind living there alone. haha. It's so cosy! (: Ohoh! I saw my convertable too! It's pink and princess-like. (: SEEE! muaha. rachel-pok is such a big baby! Haha. Take a look! Haha. ohkay actually I kinda force her to take that. Her neck was so big that the bip couldn't fit properly though. x) Haha. (: Hey rachel-pok! Thanks for accompanying me. (: I love tampines actually. It's like so fun! :DDD Haha. ohkayyyy laast picture! So orangeyyyy! :D Playing against kaixuan u16 tomorrow. Hmmm. I'm feeling kinda sick and I think I'm getting a fever soon cause I feel really cold. But still we're not expected to win so I guess it takes the pressure off us yea? (: Let's just jiayou and do the best we can! (: JIAYOUS! :D I know this is random but can someone please buy me a 4x4 cube? PLEASEEEEEE :D
xoxo, the divine ![]() Ah shit. I feel damn tired now. My eye hurts and I feel like wearing my specs today! But I can't play bball in my specs! Oh well. I hope today's NOT the friendly day. Cause I'm really too tired to run fast or anything though I feel like running. Yawns. Q____Q Quite surprise I didnt oversleep today. HAHA. ((: I shall off the comp and go iron my clothes and bathe before I'm late. :DDDD BYEBYEEEEEEEEE. Training here I come. I'm going to try and piaaaaaaaa.
xoxo, the divine ![]() Gosh. Who was I kidding when I said I'm fine. It hurts a lot. I don't want to feel that way to, but it does hurt. So here I am in the middle of the night at 0351 blogging. I feel stupid. I don't have a need to hide how I feel cause of two simple reason. 1) I'm human 2) well, cause I'm Sherlin. I am entitle to just feel sad or whatever cause of this two simple reason. I didn't meant to lie so well, I'm sorry. Cause I could hear myself breaking down and I didn't want to let you know. I don't mean to make you feel guilty or anything and I'm saying all this because 1) I don't want to lie 2) and it actually just dawns down to my own fault. I knew it a long time ago and I just felt like running away. Say I'm weak yes. Say I'm dumb well, yes. But it's not up to me to just say I hate you or anything cause deep down I need to ask my heart how I really feel. From what I know now, I can't bring myself to don't like you. I'd realise it so long ago but I didn't know it would hurt that badly until I cry. I'm not fine deep down but I can still smile and talk to you now. Cause I thought it through and I'm strong. I'm not spoilt like what you said in the morning. Sherlin says that she's strong and nothing can make her feel bad for long. (:
xoxo, the divine Sunday, June 15, 2008
![]() Laugh at me for being silly Laugh at me for being an idiot. I know how you feel but I can't forget. I'm just a friend. I expected that a long time ago actually. But I can't help it at times. I guess you won't know how I feel. I hate myself at times for being silly but that's all I want to do. God has he's reason for doing all this I guess. But I just wished he would actually take the suffering away. Every time I'm on the court you're what motivates me to move. Every time I'm alone I think alot. Don't go all out to do anything cause it will just give me false hope. I know you care but it will just hurt me more in the end cause they are all false hope. But now that I know the truth, I won't be mistaken. So do still call cause I like talking to you. And, I'm fine, really. (:
xoxo, the divine ![]() Oddy tagged me. so there. (: Everything is in random order SEVEN THINGS THAT SCARE YOU 1) Random strangers who call me. 2) When my knee hurts. 3) When I get sick 4) Dreams whereby people I love die or somehow say good bye. 5) Animals with 6 legs! 6) When people hates me or thinks I'm proud 7) Losing SEVEN THINGS YOU LIKE THE MOST 1) Woogigagaga 2) The computer 3) My blog 4) The team (well, its not a thing but yea) 5) Handphone 6) My bed 7) Some people. (: SEVEN IMPORTANT THINGS IN YOUR ROOM 1) Woogigagaga 2) Bed 3) Comics 4) My letters given by baby yilei wanjun etc 5) My hairbands 6) My clothes and skirts etc. (yes skirts. you didn't see wrongly here!) 7) Rubik's cube. SEVEN RANDOM FACTS ABOUT YOU 1) I can affected easily so i tend to say subtitles out if you ever talk to me while im watching the teevee. 2) I hated bball during a period of time, but our relationship is still strong. (: 3) I play with the rubik's cube to relieve stress 4) I ever cut myself with a penknife cause I felt like it. 5) I took the number 14 cause of some reason. (: 6) My mp3 volume is usually at a certain number cause of certain reasons :D 7) I'm crazy over russel but he's not who I play bball for. (: SEVEN THINGS YOU PLAN TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE 1) To dominate the world 2) Go to a church 3) To get my name in redsports. 4) To know russel and jabez personally. (: 5) Become a musically talented person like jay chou 6) To do something for this world 7) To be happy everyday. SEVEN THINGS YOU CAN DO 1) I can play basketball. 2) I can play audition 3) I can type 4) I can take photos 5) I can see 6) I can hear. x) 7) I can play mahjong SEVEN THINGS YOU SAY THE MOST 1) HUH. 2) OMG 3) Zai lar 4) Really? 5) Wahliao 6) Ohkay 7) Yup. SEVEN THING THAT ATTRACT YOU TO THE OPPOSITE SEX 1) Guys in uniform. 2) Black hair 3) Smart but fun at the same time 4) Tall people 5) People in sports 6) (: People who smiles and make me laugh oo 7) Guys who are senstive but not too senstive and understand me. SEVEN CELEBRITY CRUSHES 1) Jesse mccartney 2) Joe jonas 3) Peter moseley 4) Wilbur Pan 5) Jay chou 6) My own celebrity inside my heart :D 7) My second own celebrity inside my heart. It's a secret :D SEVEN PEOPLE THAT YOU'VE TAGGED 1) Leena 2) Winter 3) Jolinee 4) Rachel pok 5) JayeJaye 6) Chingna 7) Ivy girlfriend
xoxo, the divine ![]() (: I'm a happy kid today. I feel so guai today! I did all my work and practice my organ. I nearly finish my holiday hmwk! cept those I don't know how to do and newspaper review! Hmmm. Today's kinda a lazy day. I feel like a pig. I slept till 12 today. But then I was on the phone till 2 plus yesterday so, haha I guess its alright? But i feel so lazyyyyyy. I'm always so happy after talking to you on the phone. Haha. It's so weird in a way. Plus you owe me a reason alright! Though I won't force you if you don't want to tell me. :D I suddenly feel so gear up for tomorrow's training! Like I really feel like running now and all. I want to hear jiaolian's voice telling me 'Xueling arh! Pao kuai yi dian!' I want to run with the team and we'll all complain 'want to die already.' 'Summer wo yao si ler' But we'll still finish the run together and feel so satisfied later on. (: I love the team like really alot alot alot. Another few more trainings. Let's jiayou and do our best alright though we always feel like dying but let's jiayou! (: We've come this far and we all want to go further. (: JIAYOU! :D My reason is downright simple. (: I'll tell you once you tell me yours. I'm not threatening you, I'm not. You always make me smile you know. :D
xoxo, the divine Friday, June 13, 2008
![]() HAHA. I'm still boreeeed. Decided to do winter's quiz. (: The numbers skip though. :D 1.What is the connection between you & the last person that called you ? my sis? 2.Did you ever turn off your cell phone ? Yea. When I sleep. 3.What happened at 10.00am today ? Was rushing like crazy to pack my stuff 4.When did you last cry ? Today. Cause I was wailing about not sleeping well and Leena and mortal bluffing me. 5.What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter? Bread? 6.What do you want in your life right now? Cedar Basketball cdiv08' to shine! 7.Do you carry an umbrella out when it rains,or just put on your hood ? Neither. I walk in the rain. 8.What's your favourite thing to put on your bed ? Woogigagaga. 9.What bottoms are you wearing now? Shorts 10.What is the nicest text in your inbox says? Cannot say lar. Who so dumb to reveal! 11.Do you tend to make relationships complicated ? No relationship, how to complicate? (: 12.Are you wearing something that you borrowed from someone? UH. No. Why the hell would I do that? 13.What was the last movie you last caught ? kungfu panda. 14.What are you proud of ? I'm proud to be a cedar center! (: 15.What does the oldest text message in your inbox says ? Seniors asking saying jiayou for c div comps tomorrow! [cdiv07'] 16.What is the last song you sang out loud ? Graduation with my sister dancing 17.Do you have any nice names? SHERLIN. (: it's a super name. 18.What was the last receive text message ? From Ivan saying he will talk to me another time. 19.What time did you go to bed last night? 12 plus. 20.Are you currently happy? Ohkay? 21.Who gives you the best advice? Oddy. 22.Do you eat whipped cream straight away from the can? Tried before. But it's fattening. 23.Who did you talk on phone last night ? No one. 24.Is anything bugging you right now? yea. 25.What's bugging you right now? My sister. She's flapping her hands and dancing? 26.Do you wear toe socks? Nope. But heard it's comfortable. 27.Who was the last person you last had a missed call from? Ah-ane. 28.Have you ever had your heartbroken? Duh. Like who hasn't? 29.What annoys you most in a person? Loads of stuff? 30.Do you have a crush on anyone ? Yes. 31.Have you ever done cocaine? Uhuh. Drugs are a nono. 32.What is the colour of your room? Blue and yellow. Stupid colour my sis chose when she was 8 and I was 5. i wanted green and pink! D: 33.Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar? Hmmm. I don't think God will want me to do that. 34.Do you believe in the saying "talk is cheap" ? Yea I guess? 35.Who was the last person who lay in your bed? Yours truly! (: 36.Who was the last person who hugged you? No one. 37.Did anyone see the last person you kissed? I don't really like kissing people. 38.Do you have a life? No life. Holidays are boring. 39.Have you ever think someone died,when they really didn't? Yup. Scary dreams 40.What is the reason behind your profile song? No profile song. 41.Who was the last person you saw in your dreams? A number of people. Rachel Leena Mortal Joline etc. the whole team I think. 42.Last time I smiled? Today. 43.Have you ever change this year? I hope I did. 44.What are you listening to right now? TEEVEE 45.Are you talking to someone doing this? Nope. 46.Do you walk with your eyes open or closed? Open. 47.Is there any quote you you live by? Love is just a passing phrase everyone goes through. 48.Do you want someone you can't have? I guess so. 49.Have you ever played an instrument? Organ,Guitar. 50.What is the worst idea you have this week? I'm not sure. 51.What are you doing last night 11.00p.m? Playing Tennis. Virtual one. 52. Are you happy with your love life? No love life. 53.What song do your describe your love life? Maybe-Jay Sean 54.What do you think of the person who tagged you? Tammie winterrrrr! (: Super sweet bball partner. 55.Who always make you laugh? teammates 56.Do you speak other language other than English? Chinese malay dialects 57.Are you blond? Do i look like one. 58.What's your full name? Toh Sherlin. Yup that's it. I know people think its weird and all cause my surname is in front and I have no Chinese name in it. But, well, THAT is my real name. Xueling is my Chinese name though. 59.What are you doing tomorrow? Lessons and project. 60.What do you think you are like? I don't want to judge myself. 61.Who do you chose to die with? No one. I die myself. 62.Where have you been today? CCAB, bugis 63.What do you play often? Nothing. Well, maybe cept bball. 64.Who are you missing right now? loads of people. 65.If you've chosen between LOVE & FRIENDSHIP,who will you choose ? Currently, friendship. In the future, I'm not sure. 66.What are you doing right now? Doing this quiz 67.Which primary school are you from? FTPPS. 68.Name 3 colours you like Black, Red, Pink 69.What emotion you like to show? ((: 70.What is life to you? A chance to show off. 71.If you have something troubling you,what will you do? Solve it. 72.Who did you last chat in msn? Babysweets. 93.Do you believe in God? (skip Qs) YES. 94.Who cares for you most? I'm not sure. 95.What do you think is the most important things in your life? Family, friends bball. 96.What will you bring when you fight? When you annoy me and trust me, i punch a guy before. 97.What have you regretted doing in your whole life? Loads 98.Who is the person who sent you the most messages in your inbox? I'm not sure 99.What if your stead two-timed you? No stead don't need to worry. (: 100. are you sleepy? yea a little. Instructions : Remove one question from the above and replace with a personal question of yours. Then,bold it . Next, list 10 person whom you want them to do this at the end of the post . Notify them in their tag board or tell them at msn so that he/she knows. 1) Oddy 2) Kendra 3) .... The rest who want do do lar. (:
xoxo, the divine ![]() No friendly today again. Instead played with seniors. I'm actually sick of playing with seniors. I mean they are nice and all but its so cliche. You can always predict what's going to happen next. So yeah I'm kinda bored its like soooo the same! Haha. But my seniors are still great and rock! (: Anyway woke up late today and didn't meet the rest. Was sitting on the bus when mortal called ,e. 'SHERLIN! Russel playing ler! Faster come!' 'HUH! serious?! RECORD FOR ME! The bus very slow cannot come faster lar!' So I ran ALL the way from the bus stop to CCAB. I was so excited! When I realise, that was not Russel. Q_____Q Stupid mortal and Leena. Make me run like crazy then in the end not even Russel lar. Ummm. After that training was alright. Went to bugis after training and saw darling! ((: Darling: Didn't recognise you at first! So pretty lar! haha Hmmm. Next time I want work must intro for me too kays? (: Went home and was smsing Rachel on the way home. haha. Rachel I know you're very happy today :D I'm happy for you too! (: I wonder if you're busy or simply ignoring me. I hope its the former. (:
xoxo, the divine Thursday, June 12, 2008
![]() still bored. ARE YOU: 1. Perfect: Nope. But i wished i was 2. Tall: SHORT LAR. 3. In your pajamas: Nope 4. Left handed: Nope. LAST 1. Friend you saw: Ivan and Jason 2. Talked to on the phone: Rachel 3. Person to text you: Rachel 4. Was today better than yesterday: I guess? FAVORITE: 1. Number: 4 5 14 2. Color: all 3. Food: nice food. (: 4. Place: Bball court, room. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up? on my phone Q: Do you have anything bothering you? yea? Q: What's the last movie you watched in theaters? Kungfu panda Q: Where is the last place you went? tpy south cc Q. Do you smile a lot? HAHA. I'm not sure. Q: Do you wish upon stars? Yea Q: Are you a friendly person? What do you think? Q: Where did you sleep last night? Bedroom Q: Why did you sleep there? haha. where do you want me to sleep then? Q: When was the last time you cried? Going too. My eye hurts Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night? Stupid oddy go hog the comp Q: Rate life as of right now, one being bad ten being great? 8 Q: What do you hear right now? teevee Q: Does anything hurt right now? my heart my hip. Q: What's your favorite month? February 1. Are you missing someone right now? Yea. alot. 8. Are you tired? SUPER 001. Real name? Toh Sherlin 002 Birthday? 260294 003. Eye color? black 004. Zodiac sign? Dog 005. Male or female? Female 006. Single? yup 007. Crushing? yup 009. Smart? I hope so! 010. Hair color? black. dull black. Q_Q 011. Long or short? short 013. Sweats or Jeans? jeans 014. Phone or Camera? phone 015. Health freak? a little? 021. Righty or lefty? Righty FIRSTS: 024. First best friend? PANPEIWEN! 025. First award? most courteous student 026. First enemy? Can't remember 027. First pet? Fighting fish. haha (: 028. First vacation? Australia when i was 2. CURRENTLY: 049. Eating? no 050. Drinking? no 052. I'm about to? finish this and sleep. 053. Listening to? teevee music 054. Plans for today? go and SLEEP to prepare for tomorrow. 055. Waiting for? a miracle to happen WHICH IS BETTER WITH THE OPPOSITE GENDER: 068. Lips or eyes? eyes 070. Shorter or taller? taller 072. Romantic or spontaneous? romantic 074. Sensitive or loud? both 075. Hook-up or relationship? relationship HAVE YOU EVER: 079. Drank bubbles? nope 080. Lost glasses/contacts? YEA! 081. Ran away from home? nope 084. Broken someone's heart? If i was that good. 085. Been arrested? nope ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 097. Do you like someone? Yes 098. Are you seriously happy with what happen in your life? Half half 099. Currently Mood? Tired
100. If You Saw The One You Love Right Now , What Would You Tell Him/Her? I love you and you know I do. (: xoxo, the divine ![]() Bored and henceeeeeeeee, Name 10 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 10 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first.. No cheating 1. Clement 2. Rachel 3. Russel 4. Joline 5. Jerusha 6. Leena 7. Ivan 8. Jie en 9. Matty 10.Tammie 1.How did you meet number 4? [joline] Bball training in p6 at cedar! 2. Do you have a crush on anyone up there? Yes. 3. What would you do if you hadn't met number 1? [clement] I wouldn't have another very important person in my life 4. What would you do if 6 and 2 were going out? [leena][rachel] I would laugh my head off 5. How did you meet number 8? [jieen] Primary school bball court? Can't remember 6. Is 2 one of your best friends? [rachel] YUP! (: 7. Whose number 9's best friend(s)? [matty] Me lar. x) 8. Have you ever dated number 1? [clement] nopee. 9. Do you miss number 4? [joline] I'm seeing her tomorrow. (: 10. What do u think of number 6? [leena] Super funny and nice 11. What do you think of number 7? [ivan] Super nice and very gentleman. :D 12. Who does number 3 like? [RUSSEL!] ermmm. i think its 5 since he takes 5 for jersey. (: 13. Have you ever been inside number 8's house? [jieen] nope. 14. Do you love number 9? [matty] YUP! ((: LOADS! 15. Ever been in the same bed as any of the numbers? yea 16. What about no. 5? [jerusha] no.
17. Do you trust these people? yea. of course. (: xoxo, the divine ![]() And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives Where we're gonna be when we turn 25 I keep thinking times will never change Keep on thinking things will always be the same But when we leave this year we won't be coming back No more hanging out cause we're on a different track And if you got something that you need to say You better say it right now cause you don't have another day Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down These memories are playing like a film without sound And I keep thinking of that night in June I didn't know much of love But it came too soon And there was me and you And then we got real blue Stay at home talking on the telephone We would get so excited and we'd get so scared Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair And this is how it feels As we go on We remember All the times we Had together And as our lives change Come Whatever We will still be Friends Forever So if we get the big jobs And we make the big money When we look back now Will our jokes still be funny? Will we still remember everything we learned in school? Still be trying to break every single rule Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man? Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan? I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye Keep on thinking it's a time to fly And this is how it feels As we go on We remember All the times we Had together And as our lives change Come Whatever We will still be Friends Forever La, la, la, la:Yeah, yeah, yeah La, la, la, la:We will still be friends forever Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now? Can we survive it out there? Can we make it somehow? I guess I thought that this would never end And suddenly it's like we're women and men Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round? Will these memories fade when I leave this town I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye Keep on thinking it's a time to fly As we go on We'll remember all the tough times fought together. As our life change Come whatever You're still our seniors forever. As time goes by We'll still remember all the things that you've taught us. On and off court you had taught us the basic respect for our seniors. All the memories will not change even till the end of the world Hope that you guys will feel the same say even though we're two years apart... So, the sec 4s have offically left the bball team. I'll seriously miss you guys. I mean, we really went through the runs and everything together. Thank you guys for everything! Jiayous for O lvls. (: Hmmm. Was suppose to go out with girlfriends today to the beach. But I was so tired and I wanted to go watch matches at CCAB. So i didn't went. Went to FTPPS to find jieen. (: She wanted to pass me something. JIEEN!: I LOVE IT! haha. THANK YOUUUUUU! Managed to find someone to go with me to CCAB. Saw Cat high vs pinnoer and RI vs Springfield. The matches were pretty good though it was kind of one sided. Saw that guy and he kept looking at me and smiling. Irritating. Refused to look and talked to Ivan instead. Met Jason there too. The girls match was about to start and Jason was like super hungry and was like. 'Eh. Can go and eat already anot' ' You ask her lar' ' I want to watch ler' 'ohkay lar. Give you watch one quarter' Didn't even watch one quarter then we went off. Cause it was a time-out and then they bluff me! So I went off. DDDDD: Anyway, jurong looks hmmm. pretty good? Queensway looks quite good in shooting too. Aww man. Anyway we went to eat after that and they played bball so I followed. Haha. [: Tried shooting free throw. Lost to them. Gahh. Ivan zai lar. Anyway to IVAN: Hey thanks for going with me to watch matches! I'm really sorry for making you wait for me and disturbing your sleep time. Haha. You're super nice to go with me! You shooting is chao zai too! Hope you win at your friendly tomorrow! [[: Jiayous! Team we can do it! God will lead the way! JIAYOUS! " I'm a center and I'm proud of it. (: "
xoxo, the divine Tuesday, June 10, 2008
![]() I SAW RUSSEL TODAY. yes yes. I'm really happy about it. I mention it to my mum and was like 'OMG lar! I saw russel today mummy! I SAW HIM!' And now she think I'm a little crazy cause of him. Not that I mind being crazy because of him. (: Training today was abit zzz. Everyone didn't seem to be enthu about it though. I guess everyone was so tired. Anyway, happy birthday joelance! Haha. I hope you have fun at the outing we had today! (: I'll scan the neoprints and return the original to you! I love love love c div 08' because we are who we are! (: Sec 4s coming back tomorrow. Another match. I'm abit siannnnnnn. Having another friendly on Friday too. OH man! Jiayou everyone! Oh yea. I shall post the neoprint me and Selina took! Haha. (: ohkay and the one we took today. I have it on my phone so get it from me tomorrow! Neoprints are addictive!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() xoxo, the divine Monday, June 09, 2008
![]() Kungfu panda. Not bad. ((: I was very dead during training today. Really couldn't find the mood to train plus I wasn't feeling so well. Oh wells, CCAB training tomorrow and seniors are coming back to play. RAWR. Why tomorrow?! Anyway, jiayou c div we can make it la! ((: Have faith in God and he will lead the way like he did the other time! (: Hmmm. Had fun at the arcade today. Took neoprints with selina. HAHA. Shall post them another day cause I'm using the lapy and I don't like it. Met some new people today. haha I think they are rather cute? I don't know. Hahaa. I look like I just came back fom camp when I went out though. :DDD But still, it was fun (: Jiayou for tomorrow everyone!
xoxo, the divine Sunday, June 08, 2008
![]() I really don't feel like going training tomorrow. D: Rachel-pok isn't going I think and Tammie's not back yet. I have no partner! DD: Maybe I should pon and give an excuse! HIP INJURY as someone, which I wouldn't mention in case I get that person into trouble. Haha. Yea right. Hip injury! It's just a bad bruise luh. But I really don't feel like running. I ate alot this week and I think I gain weight! DDD: The seniors are coming back to play on Wednesday I think. Bleah. Oddy's coming back. Damn and she still can run. Q______________________Q I feel abit moody and terrible now. Say you love me cause I need constant attention! ((: I really do. Haha. Well well, I guess tomorrow will be another typical day to drag myself up and go for training.BOOHOOOO.
xoxo, the divine Saturday, June 07, 2008
![]() Ewww. The blu-black on my hip is like worst now. Still hurts. T_______T Anyway, thanks babycandy for the song! Haha. ILY! And, I'll go if you pay for my tickets. Hee. You know, I wonder if anyone thought of it before but, don't you find it amazing when you see couples like our age walking on the street? I mean sometimes I'm like really amaze. Like how can they actually hold such a long interest in someone? Especially when they have gone through like 3/4 months or something. Plus, I mean, if it was me, I don't think I'll be able to keep it from my parents cause I will be gushing about him all day long. So, I guess it's kinda amazing to me. I guess, to me some other stuffs are more important. But, girls my age? Crushes and all are common and I bet everyone has them. :DD Ummmm. But I'm only amaze by some relationships. I don't know why but some of them, I find them really grossss. I don't know I just has this different feel towards different couple. Haha. But still, I'm amaze at times! Haha. ((: And I'm amaze at myself for being amazing at this little thing. Hees. :DD
xoxo, the divine ![]() Hmmm. Woke up pretty early today considering the fact that I slept at 2/3 in the morning. :DD Was chatting on the phone. Was pretty fun. Anyway, had music class and I'd say I think I'm gonna fail my test. Haha. Like seriously. When shopping with oddy later on. Bought a pair of slippers. I like it. [: Saw leonard on the bus! Haha. That tall-ly guy! I see loads of people's post asking me not to be emo. Haha. I'm not emo! I'm just kind of tired nowadays to do anything and I'm feeling abit... ummm. I don't know what to say. [: But I'm all better now I guess. With weekends to rest I'll be better. Plus chatting on the phone with you makes me feel better. Always! :DD I have no idea why though. I'm like super bored now! Everyone who is online is like ummm. those people I dont talk much too. Ohoh! Daddy is cooking today! YAYE! I love daddy's cooking. Hees. [: ((: He's cooking my favourite soup!
xoxo, the divine |
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