Wednesday, April 30, 2008
![]() OMGGG! Me leena and piaopiao changed blogskin at the same time! :DDDD And yes, I loveeeee my new skin made by WANTING! Even if other thinks its awful, I LOVE IT! :D
xoxo, the divine ![]() The talk, I guess it was alright, no? Please. I hope there will be no more of the Q word. I don't like that word. I hope we can really work hard, TOGETHER. Anyway went to the omi-theatre today. Head hurts like hell after watching. Rosa, tehlian and YJttp kept 'borrowing' food. haha. We saw mummies! Babycandy was so afraid! She looked away when the mummies came. :D Hey remember, breathe into my ears if you're scared. haha. Only the 3/4 of us know what it means yea? and OMGGG. We went into a guy's toilet. HAHAAAAA. Babycandy just went in and I followed. HAHA. Loads followed too until we realised it was a male toilet. We laughed like mad in the end. Babycandy's face was like so weird and funny. haha. :D Had farewell later on. D: Ramya I'll miss you even though I don't talk to you much. It just isn't the same without you. Take care and I love you loads. I'm going to dominate the world with my M&Ms! YAYE ME! :D haha. Chaaaaarmaine's and Divya's m&m's flew all over the place except their mouth. I caught it so nicely! Therefore, domination of the world with my m&ms is mine. :DD Oh before I forgot, I was so silly this morning! I slept at like 7pm yesterday and wanted to wake up at 9pm. So i set my alarm and I didn't hear it. Then morning at 5.56am [I didn't know the time then.] I woke up and was like 'I guess it's 9+pm already. Wake up and go use com lar.' I on my phone and I saw the time. 5.56am! I was totally like OMG! I slept throughout! HAHA. And I hurried to go bath. So funny lar. I slept for like 11 hours! :D
xoxo, the divine Monday, April 28, 2008
![]() School was alright. Training was alright I guess. I really don't know. They say we have potential, I'm really not sure. But what I'm sure is that I'll try my best on court. Seriously, I'm reconsidering IP. But I guess it's kinda meaningless now. Even you doubt my ability. I don't want to regret anything but you just say this on the way home. 'your PSLE score is really too low. You got a 250?' 'No 249' 'Not even a 250. Don't stand a chance. You need at least a 268 and above. I did research.' I haven even try, how the hell would you know I can't make it. SO by saying that I can't get into a JC i want next time? I can't be a 6 pointer? Everytime I get a good result you just asked for the highest and when I'm the highest, you'll just ask me not to be too proud. PSLE day, I was so happy that I got a 249. What was your thought? 'Why never get a 250. It's so low.' You never really encourage me. You just pour cold water all over me. When the hell will I really do well enough for you? a 101/100 for my test? fuck. I'll get my 6 points at the end.
xoxo, the divine Sunday, April 27, 2008
![]() THOU SHALL BOLD THE TRUTH! My bestfriend is older than me. There should always be emotion and passion in music. I think I have died before. I want to be a pirate. Captain Jack Sparrow = fucking hotness. The force is with me. I can't ride a bike. I can't swim. I've made a rubberband or foil ball. I am 99% unique. I, at one point, had fluffy 80s style hair. Well, I know someone who has. I've been in a wedding. I use minty toothpaste. I use fruity toothpaste. I have a tabby cat. My dad has bad hair. I know almost every single song that comes on the radio. I don't have a BEBO profile. I use to have or do have a slingshot. I have made fun of someone and later felt guilty about it. I've played a prank on a teacher. Bows are pretty. I've dressed up as something skanky for Halloween before. My house has been toilet papered before. I never use AIM. My Internet connection is fast. My pubic hair isn't dark. Me? Immature. Proud of it. I call everybody 'babe.' I have a friend named Helen. Black roses are gorgeous. I love the actress Jennifer Connelly. I've been on a treasure hunt. I know someone who was murdered. My dog was killed by another dog. I've read the DaVinci Code and can't wait to see the movie. That books sucks balls. I eat breakfast bars. I watch soap operas. Old people are awesome, they know everything! The News is boring. I've been picking my nose when I thought no one was looking, only to find out someone was. I wink a lot. I can't rollerblade without falling over. I wear house shoes or slippers inside the house all the time. Hell, I wear them outside often too. I have been in an online relationship. I have cybered before. I don't even know what cyber is. I'm slow. I need to dye my hair. When I sing, I WAIL. I've caught myself being turned on by the same sex even though I'm straight. I'm bisexual. I wear sunglasses in winter because they look cool. I want to be an artist. I love my parents very much. I'm freaking pissed off today. You need a hug from me. I hate hugs. The whole world just stinks. I've smoked a cigarette before simply from peer pressure. I was pressured into having sex too young. Forests are beautiful. I hate politics. I stand up for what I believe in. I made myself pull away from someone to avoid being hurt. I see the beauty in most things, or at least I try to.
I have an addiction to video games. I want some fast food right now. I like tomato soup. I say tomAHto instead of tomAto. It is after 4pm. I want a baby. I am different from people my age. I have visited a suicide chatroom. I prefer black and white to colours. I have developed my own photos before. I'm addicted to at least one show on TV right now. I have to take pills daily. I have chores to do today. My mother is sick at the moment. I think my parents are way too strict. I used to think my parents were way too strict but I have come to find they aren't so bad. The sun is shining. I wish I could go back in time to see a live hanging or execution. I'm morbid like that. I want to be buried, not cremated. I can't help but get excited and get a greedy look in my eye when holding big amounts of cash. Clapping annoys me. I sometimes use British slang I've kneed a guy in the groin before. I want to go to the Zoo. I want to ride an elephant. I have bought new make up recently. I write letters in silver pen. I know who wrote Wuthering Heights. I think its weird that male seahorses can get pregnant.... Like its weird that female spiders eat the males after they mate. My mobile phone is low on battery. I like the way Paris Hilton dresses. She dresses like a slut, you moron. I have streaked hair. Sometimes I cry like a baby. I have never had a job before. My 'best friend' talks about me behind my back. She also stole my boyfriend. If I could travel back in time to another century, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I have seen 'Big Ben' in person. I can do a great impression of Gollum from Lord of the Rings. I have done something that, had I gotten caught, I would have been thrown in jail for. I have crashed my car. I have crashed into somebody else's car. I can drive a stick shift. I have red hair. Hilary Duff is secretly a whore who lets her boyfriend bend her over. My teacher is lesbian/gay. I think the lyrics to Pink's "Stupid Girls" kick ass! I saw Sweeney Todd when it came out. I haven't seen it, but I want to. I haven't seen it, and I don't want to. I keep all my receipts, for everything! I have a job. No, I need a job. I know how to cook. Reality shows bug me. I buy movies when they're on sale. I don't buy movies period. My birthday is coming up. My boyfriend/girlfriend's birthday is coming up. I don't plan on having kids for a longgggg time. Whatever happened to William Hung? I have professional pictures taken of me. I have a fancy-dancy-flippy phone thing. One of my friends is/was pregnant. I really want to buy a new comforter for my bed. I hate when teachers assign books to read. Teachers THINK they know all there is to know about teenagers. I like to wear my hair up. My hair isn't a big deal to me. I have a lot A LOT of friends. I've got a new animal. I'm happy with my life now. xoxo, the divine ![]() Ah damn. Saturday pass damn fast! Shitake mushroom. I have speech test tomorrow, training. Haven completed 1 q of maths and 2/3 q of science. Lit isn't done yet. I'm so effing dead! DIEDIEDIE. Music is so sucky too. Give me guidance please! D:
xoxo, the divine ![]() Finally went out! The three of us! :D I'm really glad and I miss those time. Today was fun. Especially the part whereby we were stuck in the staircase and was running like mad down. It was really scary with the weird poster by itself. It was like in shutter but we got out anyway. [: I'm really going to train super hard now. From next week onwards. I'm going to jiayou! :D Let's show the world what cedar c div 08' can do! I'm going to train until I die on the court! WAHAHA. I mean seriously, dying on the court would be kinda cool. [: It's like you gave your life to bball. Imagine the newspaper article! I guess it'll be kinda like. 'GIRL GIVES HER LIFE TO BBALL' Hahah. :DD Come on team! Let's JIAYOU together! I love you all! [: I'm feeling so random now.
xoxo, the divine Saturday, April 26, 2008
![]() Training today was really tiring even though we didn't do much. PE today was kinda fun. Played bball and I laughed till my tummy hurts. 'the girl with a red bra is your team!' HAHA :D Can't really remember what else we did. My mind's kinda block. I'm having a terrible flu now too. GRRRR. :/ ROSA: haa please lor. your results also damn good. RACHEL: you better share your experience! haha. :D
xoxo, the divine Thursday, April 24, 2008
![]() NAPFA is over. This year is probably the best napfa I had! I got all As! cept for my 2.4 I don't know the result yet. Man. I'm really tired. So tired I swear I can break down and cry. Stayed back to do dance. Yes. I'm doing dance. Gosh I look so weird. Oh well. Got history back today. Damn bloody dissapointed. I wanted an A1. But miss one mark. Sian lar. Training tomorrow. I'm sick and tired of it. Haiis.
xoxo, the divine Tuesday, April 22, 2008
![]() I died during training today! Ohmygoodness man! My legs are falling apart. D: Training tomorrow and Friday too! ohmygoodness. I'm dying. GOSH. my sister is doing some weird move to Hannah Montana's song. =____________= Got back my science today. :D Not bad! I'm quite pleased. I was damn LUCKY man! There was this question about drawing particles. I got 2 particles stuck together and I could claim an extra mark! :D Haas. Mrs Tan thought I liquided-paper the thing cause there was liquid-paper there. Luckily, I showed yujie and tessa. :DD Got witness! Hmmm. I just calculated my results for the 2 test and how much I need for the last test to get an A1. haha. Lit is a GONE case! Though I like lit, I would need at least a 31 for an A1. haha. and guess what! Lit papers are upon 25 only! HAHA. :D SO i would have to jiayou for my EYE! :D Maths is kinda high too. a 29.5! Man. I dont know how I'm going to achieve it. Science is a 15.5 and geog is a 15. Man. getting history tomorrow! Damn scared. My hist sucks like BIG time. Oh wells. I pray that I'll at least pass it. God gimme strength! <3 Gosh. I realise that RACHELWANGYUN looks damn guy lar! I heard that 5/6 teachers complained about her new hairstyle! But its so good looking!! HAHA. RACHELWANG arh. Later I fall in love with you! haha. like it will ever happen! Hmmm. Maybe when June comes, I shall cut my hair like rachel! Rachel. you can totally go to cathigh and get JABEZ to teach you how to do his oh-so-cool lay-up! You look so guy now! He is really freaking cool man! He's bball skills are WOAHHHHH! Jabez is a coolio bballer! Plus he looks so cute sticking his tongue out while lay-upping! :DDDD
xoxo, the divine Monday, April 21, 2008
![]() I just realise something! we were suppose to pass up some thingy Mrs Tan gave us for SEL. Like you're suppose to write your dream and you goal and by what age you will achieve that goal. Guess what I wrote! ... ... ... ... 'My dream is to let my name to be known to the world! I'll do something good for this world!' 'I'll probably achieve that before I die.' HAHAHA. I seriously wrote that. And i went mad in the class telling everyone that I'll dominate the world! muahahha. I even draw a nice picture on the paper! It had a picture of a girl standing on the earth. :D Ohmygoodness. Can you imagine what Mrs Tan's face will look like when she sees it? 1) Find it super funny 2) Find it annoying and gives a weird face. :DDD I'm guess its the latter. Heh. I SHALL DOMINATE THIS WORLDDD! WATCH OUT PEOPLE! :DDDDD and when that happens, I shall thank divya, matty. rosa. haha the whole sec 2M and everyone I know! <33
xoxo, the divine ![]() 2 weeks without training really can kill. Bang and I'm dead. D: Ran after this stupid bus 13 on the way home too. All twinnie's FAULT. She and her otah made us run like mad! RAWR. Got back some results today. Muahaha. I'm kinda happy cause I expected a 7/8 for my lit. Surprisingly, I got a 12! :D Even thought I still flunked it. Heh. Got back geog too. Not bad I guess. a 16! But its totally low with the rest from the class. Damn annoying man! D:< Oh wells. Fell in love with this song recently. It's really nice to me. [: Shall post the lyrics. Yeah It's a cheena song. :D 当你在穿山越岭的另一边 我在孤独的路上没有尽头 一辈子有多少的来不及 发现已经失去最重要的东西 恍然大悟早已远去 为何总是在犯错之后 才肯相信错的是自己 他们说这就是人生 试著体会试著忍住眼泪 还是躲不开应该有的情绪 我不会奢求世界停止转动 我知道逃避一点都没有用 只是这段时间里尤其在夜里 还是会想起难忘的事情 我想我的思念是一种病 久久不能痊愈 当你在穿山越岭的另一边 我在孤独的路上没有尽头 时常感觉你在耳后的呼吸 却未曾感觉你在心口的鼻息 汲汲营营 忘记身边的人需要爱和关心 藉口总是拉远了距离 不知不觉无声无息 我们总是在抱怨事与愿违 却不愿意回头看看自己 想想自己到底做了甚黱蠢事情 也许是上帝给我一个试炼 只是这伤口需要花点时间 只是会想念过去的一切 那些人事物会离我远去 而我们终究也会远离 变成回忆 oh 思念是一种病 oh 思念是一种病一种病 多久没有说我爱你 多久没有拥抱你所爱的人 当这个世界不在那黱美好 只有爱可以让他更好 我相信一切都来得及 别管那些纷纷扰扰 别让不开心的事停下了脚步 就怕你不说就怕你不做 别让遗憾继续一切都来得及 Gah :/ Getting science results tomorrow. I pray to God that I won't fail and I'll do well in it. Amen. :D
xoxo, the divine Sunday, April 20, 2008
![]() -Spare me a wish anyone?- Gah. Training tomorrow. Somehow, I'm rather glad but at the same time afraid? Cause I'm really getting fat. And so, I'm going on a diet! No meat just veggies and rice. I pray to God that everything will be fine tomorrow. [: Probably getting back some results tomorrow which I feel that it will be sucky. D: I pray to God once again that my results will be alright if not great. I'm asking for opinion before I really submit my form. Man. I really feel like going shopping! I want a new shirt a new skirt; in conclusion a new EVERYTHING! Anyone care to sponsor me money? Somehow, life now seems to be on a hold. It as though someone click the fast forward button in slow motion. Its moving fast but yet slow in a dull kinda way. Aw man. This phrase better get pass soon. Holidays please come soon! D: Sometimes, I wished I had an interesting day with anyone to blog about with loads of pictures. But it ain't going to happen isn't it? [:
xoxo, the divine Saturday, April 19, 2008
![]() Right. I'm going for it. :D Eating dinner with twinnie later. Had fun today playing bball with ivan and jason. Wayne pangseh us. He was the one that wanted to play lar. Oh wells. Damn. Twinnie just smsed. She's eating now. -_- Man. She's going to buy back for me. YAYE! I'm super bored now. loved not?
xoxo, the divine Friday, April 18, 2008
![]() Somethings are built to last, just like you and me [: Shujing's the love of my life! :DD I saw the sentence on her file and I started saying it and she replied! YAYE! Shujing's the LOVE of my LIFE! Plus point, she's a TOH too! <3 Self training was fun today. Played a super LAME but FUN game with chee. :D Yes, chee is angel and angel is chee! We shoot quite alot. Chee lost and she didn't run her si ze! RAWR. Chee you cheater! :D If she's what make you change then I rather you've never met her.
xoxo, the divine Wednesday, April 16, 2008
![]() Gah. I don't know if I should try. Bleahh. Hmmm. I guess sometimes, its really hard for me to just look at your name. I get that feeling which I don't like. Why are you so perfect in my point of view? Why are you able to be so great? Whywhywhy? I guess that's life. It sucks. You can't get whatever you want to because sometimes you're just born with that talent and others, not. Sometime I just stare up into the sky and pray to God that when I wake up, I'll be someone prettier, someone smarter. But when I look into the mirror, who do I see? The plain old me again. Maybe I just haven realise what I'm really good at. I hope I do soon. And I know You'll be there always. :D 2.4 coming. I'm dying cause I haven run for at least 2 weeks. I'm dead. I can't wait for June holidays. I want to highlight my hair, I want to pierce my 5th piercing. I want more training so I won't be fat. Man. Holidays please come soon. D:
xoxo, the divine Monday, April 14, 2008
![]() 'Just know that I'll be here. Always.' I just saw a small lil video on an interview with God. It was really nice and I know that He will always be here. :D School today was alright. Stayed back with jinjin to do some work. Then we went to PP mrt and... HEHEHE. :D Secret. Anyway, went home and slept. Haas. Man. I have a terrible feeling that all my CT will suck like BIGTIME. Bleah. Oh wells. On top of that all, I found 2 NEW HUGE pimple. Damn. I'll not go all with anyone this weekend. It's too gross. DDD:<
xoxo, the divine Saturday, April 12, 2008
![]() Alright. A super long post now. :D Sports day yesterday was super fun. I'm going to disown YEOLIYIN. She totally malu herself by waving at the wrong person. Wave again huh! It was amazing to see like people running so fast! Cheerleading was so cool too yo! Damn that * if I knew that this was gonna happen, I could have join cheerleading and become a base. I heard from baby that there wasn't enough base. Eff you for spoling my chance. Anyway, the intercca relay was damn fun! We got 2nd but somehow we were disqualified. Oh well, it doesn't matter does it? You guys knew you did your best and showed* that nothing can stop us even after this dumb inccident. * must have thought we did'nt even train. But we did didn't we! :D After that I went out with joanne! [: Saw melinda joline leena and angel even before stepping into the first shop! Then we went in and look around for some stuff. Walk alot yesterday! We had burger king for lunch! :D Then we went to harbourfront and walk around while Joanne had her pizza or some sort. Walk past some place and went into hangten to look for clothes. Then when we walk away, someone called me and asked me to walk back into hangten and i saw JERRY. omg man. [: I guess it's called fate that I actually saw him cause I would never ever in my life ever imagine seeing him! Haas. So surprising. Anyway, we went back to vivo later on and I bought my stuff and a 2x2 cube! YAYEEEEEEEE! 2x2 cube is loved We spent like so long in toyrus.I took photos too! :D Saw my dream house in toysrus! Spent about an hour there. Superfun. Reached home at like 9.30. my dream house! :D [: :D haha. trolley! :D xoxo, the divine Friday, April 11, 2008
![]() Just came back from vivo! Heh. [: Had super fun today. I'm really tired to blog much so yup, shall post picture and write a longer post another time. You know, you really suck. like BIG time. I'm totally fine with not havin anything. Yo can jst really eff off and go away. Go away to somewhere else please. We won't miss you just like the other team. So there. LEAVE you effing piece of shit!
xoxo, the divine Thursday, April 10, 2008
![]() YAYE EXAMS ARE OVER! [: Haas. Literature was terrible but Im not going to care anymore. :DD Haas. Went to pasta mania with rachel joline angel and LEENA-pok who forgotten me on her blog. :DDD Today was in short, fun. I've been thinking alot recently. I asked daddy and mummy if it was alright. Daddy seemed netural but yeah. Mummy was like 'wait till you're 21' I don't know if I can hold on to my faith for that long. I pray and pray that I can. I really don't want to be influence by others. Anyway, incase anyone was wondering bout a previous post of mine, Him was refering to GOD. [: And the person I want to listen to is joanneteh. And I'm meeting her tomorrow! OMG! Miss her so much. [: To unknown: Hey thanks! I'm quite glad to see that people actually read my blog. Heh. And nono, my life is already filled with L-O-V-E! By my family friends and god. Thanks anyway! And if you ever see this, can you leave your name or something? [: THANKYOU! May god bless you.
xoxo, the divine Wednesday, April 09, 2008
![]() EFF MAN. Hist was alrigh and I'm quite prepared to flunk it. MATHS was HORRIBLEEEEEEEE. I have so many effing careless mistake! damn. I hope I pass with like 20 or sumthing. ]: Oh wells. Ran with joline today! <3 We ran so many weird weird rounds. haha. I don't feel so fat now. Aked Mr.Chia if we could borrow ball and he didn't allow. Well, at least we asked. Oh well, doesn't matter much though. At least me and joline trained our stamina. [: I really hope training starts again. I feel really empty without training. Hahaha. Like this is the first time man! D: Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
xoxo, the divine Tuesday, April 08, 2008
![]() Test alright. I can't believe I'm saying this but, I WANT TRAINING REALLY BADLY! Not cause I'm sorry that we cancelled it on friday but because I feel so effing fat and all. DDDD: RAWR. I'm gonna stay back with angel and joline to run after lit lesson. I NEED TO RUN. I'm like effing fat. I cannot stand it! RAWRRR. xoxo, the divine Monday, April 07, 2008
![]() Today was hodumdidum. It was alright I guess. I'm like finish studying science but then I'm afraid my mind will blank out tomorrow. I'm really bored to explain stuff so I'd just post pictures of me when I was young! Haha. :D :D thailand! haha. Some act pro shot. I don't know where :D I'm taller! xoxo, the divine Saturday, April 05, 2008
![]() Sometimes, I wish I was someone prettier, someone smarter, someone better, someone richer. It's times like this I wish I had you around to tell me 'It's alright to be yourself. You're fine the way you are.' I really do wish that I can hear that voice I like so much. I really miss those time. I really do. Everything around me isn't going how I want it to go. I'm really sick and tired of my life. I just love looking at my shoes to remember Him, I love playing with it I love going that few places cause it brings back memories.. Man I'm becoming emo and sick. damn! I really hate life now. It isn't going the way I want. Everything is topsy-turvy. Bleah. I hope this ends soon. xoxo, the divine ![]() HAHA. Just realise yesterday was my 400th post! :D Time passes so fast! Cleared half of geog already. Man. STUDYSTUDYSTUDY! haa. I'm gonna continue at like 7 or something. :DD
xoxo, the divine Friday, April 04, 2008
![]() Today was like 'WTH' day! Got scolded for trying to cancel training. The whole sec 2/3 team is like unofficially suspend for one week of training? I don't know. MC said we need not come for training the whole of next week. Like seriously WTH?! Studies or basketball, which is more important. D-U-H! The former! I mean basketball is like important too, but what's going to help you in future? STUDIES! Even if you want to become a basketball coach, you'll still need to STUDY. There's like freaking 5 test next week. Whatever happen to the welfare of us? Like O-M-G man. 3 days of training this week ain't enough? If there wasn't tests next week, i'll gladly go for training. But sadly, there is a FREAKING 5 test next week! I only cleared my science and maths. Streaming this year man. If I can't get into the stream I want, who's going to suffer in the end. ME. I'm really sorry to say this, but I really need time to study. I can't afford to fail any more subjects. Failing English is bad enough. I guess if you don't want us all to come for training next week we just have to train our self. I'll seriously prove to you that the time I spent studying is worth it. I'll get good result so you can't say anything. If it isn't good, then whatever training there is next time, I'll go for it. If I'm neither good in basketball nor my studies, you can just put the sec 1s in instead of us, the sec 2s for c div. I mean it. I'll prove to you that the time spend on my studies is worth it. I'll prove to you that I can handle my studies before I put my final 1% of heart and soul in basketball.
xoxo, the divine Thursday, April 03, 2008
![]() Oh gosh! :D I finally got a nap in ages! I feel absolutely great! Went home with TESSA CHO JINJIN who owes me a missy dounut! :D The pink one with hearts! She actually blocked me from sitting bus 13! I'm so nice to sit MRT with her to doby ghuat. Haha. Went to J8 after that. Wanted to skip lunch as there were so many people! But decided against it later on. Bought mee sua to eat! :DD Super nice! Anyway, I've started studying geog! Man. Mrs Franklin just started teaching the topic we are going to be tested next monday! :O *horrified!* I thank God for not having training tomorrow. Praying works! :D I really really need the time to study. Well, I guess that's all. Back to studying. [: And my english TA was alright? But i wanted better results. xoxo, the divine Wednesday, April 02, 2008
![]() My legs are jellyyyyyyyyy today. Had super bad stiches in the morning. Damn, need to run more. Training was alright I guess. But somehow I was in a really bad mood. D: Sorry if i offend anyone. Anyway, i got prank again. Yes by those lamers leonard and ivan. Thanks man! I'm feeling so down and you guys REALLY know when to choose days! FABULOUS! :D haha. I mean its really alright cause its so obvious that that person isn't ivan. Hahaha. But yeah. of all days, today! Oh well. I'm really done with caring. John 14:6 Jesys saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
xoxo, the divine Tuesday, April 01, 2008
![]() Damn I'm slowwwww! Haas. I was like 3rd from the back for 3k! LOL. But, at least I finished the run! :DD Anyway, today was April's fool day! It was damn fun! Fake oreos, creepy crawlies, fake earthquakes, exchanging of classes. :D Haas. How can oreos with toothpaste taste nice?! haha, yet many said it was! OMGGGG! :DDDD Divya was damn funny. She tasted it and was like. 'ummm. taste a bit weird but quite nice ler' HAHHA. Me and Tessa was laughing like mad! YAYE US! :DDD I love April's fool day! <3
xoxo, the divine |
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