Sunday, December 31, 2006
at 1:53 PM

1. cried- yeah. in the morning. coz i had a nite/morning dream.
2. wore jeans- nope. i dun liek to wear them.
3. meet someone- erm. my parents?
4. done laundry- yeah.
5. went hungry- noppe! always full
6. talked on the phone- yeahh. i did
7. said i love you- eh. noppe
8. yourself- yes! to believe in others, u muz first believe in urself.
9. your friends- not really.
10. tooth fairy- yeah. until i left my tooth under my pillow and woke up in the morning to find it gone wid no trace of any $$ T________________T
11. destiny/fate- duh
12. ghosts- yeah. my family quite supertisious. [dunnoe how to spell laa T_______T]
13. UFO- hahas. yeah.
14. did you ever wish you had another name??- nope and never. i love my name coz im the one and only SHERLIN!
15. do you like anyone??- hahas. noppe
16. which of your friends acts most like you??- no one. i am crazy. who wan to act like me?? but go ahead if u wan!
17. when you cried the most who was there- my sis.
18. whats the best feeling in the world- knowin ur life is perfrect *well, nearly*
19. whats the worst feeling in the world- being bashed in the face *ouch!*
20. what time is it now- 4.11
21. chocolate or vanilla-
22. coke or pepsi- coke! though now of daes i prefer sprite.
23. love or lust- LOVE!
24. sprite or 7-up- ahah. both my favourite. but i still love sprite more!
25. girls or guys- guys laa.
26. scruff or clean shaved- clean shaved.
27. movies day or night- movies day on mondays. its much cheaper.
28. took a shower- 5 mins ago. i love baths! (:
29. cried- yesterday nite. when i had a bad dream bout one of my senior. she died.
30. who makes you smile- practically everyone
31. who can make you smile no matter what- wayne ivan and chen wei. they are damm funny! 单飞比较红 [fake] roxs!
32. are you in love right now- noppe.
33. sit by the phone waiting for a phone call- loooong time ago.
34. save AIM conversations- wad AIM?
35. wish you were someone else- not really laa.
36. wish you were a member of the opposite sex- forever! guys are so much funner to be!
37. go online for longer than 8hours- never.. head will pain.
38. stucked in a lift- erm. wid celest and cat at val hse last time.
39. people you dont know and you went out with them- never.
40. hate a person to the core that you wished that he/she will die immediately- never.
41. swear your parents or siblings- hahas. when i P5. i change alot now!
42. read comics until you cry- whenever i read slam dunk.
43. that you saw- sis.
44. you talked to- sis.
45. you hugged- pillow.
46. instant messaged you- clement
47. colour your hair- nope. i never do anything harmful to my hair.
48. have tattoos- noppe. harmful to body. fake one yeahh.
49. have piercings.- yupps. on my ear onli. not tat harmful.
50. own lipsticks- noppe. i dun like wearin makeup.
51. own more than 10 flipflops- noppe. but i dun mind if i own them! (:
52. like someone- noppe.
53. hate someone- noppe.
54. have money on you- last time i checked,noppe. school holidays. allowance cut.
CREDITS: Cherie [Celest]
anyone tat wans to do. pls credit me!
the divine

Friday, December 29, 2006
at 6:55 PM

hahas. so long never update. coz my dad's around! =) so many things have happen! had orentation camp this few days! so fun!! i am in 1M of CHAMPIONS!! woohoo~ actually suppose to be in 1S one! but then results better =) so go 1M!!
1 M&M roXs!! woohoo~~ CGSS is the best school ever!!! =) M&M ROXS TO THE CORE!! woohoo~
the divine

Sunday, December 24, 2006
at 9:35 PM

i'm back!!!! w00ts~ hahas. back from genting! =)
so bored le. travelled more then we rest and buy stuff =) but i managed to buy things i wan!! OMG! i juz talked to my fren's dad by mistake! hiakhiakhiak... yeah. MERRY CHRISTMASS EVRYONE!!
the divine

Thursday, December 21, 2006
at 8:37 PM

okay. postin day out! 4 ppl going cedar wid me!! W00ts~~ yeah! my 'er ma' oso going!! whee~ can see u liao!! =) so damm happi. went to see night at the museum. quite nice laa. then after tat the boys go play pool wid 'jie' and hui jun, luan chun[ma]. haiiz. i had to go home. found out tat i left my certificate wid 'ma'. in the end go find her and take lor. =)

woke up late today. dashin for the bus sia!saw ben and his mum walkin towards the bus stop oso. then i saw zhiye on the bus! yeah! today go sec school report. after dat sooooo many ppl go buy shirts and books =) i'm gonna get my books after my trip! luckily i bought my shirts already =). CEDAR 's gonna be a GREAT place!! =) whee hoo~ my frenz tinks i have gone crazy! lala. i tink i fogot to eat my medicine laa =) hahahas. merry chridtmas everyone! [[sayin this juz incase i cant post on de 25th.
the divine

Monday, December 18, 2006
at 5:34 PM

okay. today i didnt went for trainin. aiya. feel so GULITY! Everyone's trainin so hard except me! aiya. never mind. then later went out wid like my frenz. we went to play pool!! woohoo~ iam not really intrested though. <3
the divine

Saturday, December 16, 2006
at 4:58 PM

Okay. I have nth to post like now of days since there's no school =) so... Here I go! ANOTHER QUIZ! =)
1.first, write the numbers 1 though 11 in a column.
2.besides 1 & 2, write down any two numbers u wan.
3.besides 3 &7, write down the names of members of the opposite sex.
4.write down anyone's name in 4,5 n 6
5.write down four song title in 8,9,10 n 11

1. 13
2. 14
3. mitsui
4. pei wen
5. wan jun
6. joline
7. ivan
8. perharps love
9. can fei
10. ting mama de hua
11. chi bang
answer key ,
You muz tell (numers in spaces 1 n 2) people abt dis game. [ huh. they see themselves laa. i not tat free =) hahas. ]
The person in space 3 is the one u luv. [ whee~ i lurve mitsui hisashi! ]
the person in space 7 is the person u lyk but cant work out. [ HUH! IVAN??!! his my best FREN laa ]
you care most abt the person in 4. [ peiwen. hahas. kk la. childhood fren wad! ]
the person in space 5 knows u very well. [ wan jun? but i onli noe her like recently le. ]
the person in space 6 is ur lucky star. [ JOLINE! yay! liddat i will be very lucky! ]
the song in 8 match the person in 3. [ woah. mitsui and perharps love? hahas. tat greaT!]
the title of song 9 is for the person in 7. [ HAHA IVAN IS DISABLED??!! no laa. ]
the 10 song is the song tt tell u most abt your mind. [ huh. listen to my mum? nahh.]
the 11 song tell u how u feel abt life. [ yeah. maybe tat how i feel. i wanna get a pair of wings and fly up to the sky wid no boundries.]
the divine

at 4:44 PM

haiiz. yeah. trainin. i dun like them. but i swear. i am startin to love it bit by bit. a tiny bit at a time. even if i sux at it. i'm tryin my best to be better. [though i still cannot run]. i juz gotta keep it up. u said u saw me lagging behind. yeah. tat the truth. i cant run! its kinda stressing to have a sister tat can run in the same team. yeah. =)
the divine

Thursday, December 14, 2006
at 4:06 PM

yeah. i ran and walk today. [yes! again =(] okay. at least i did improve! a tiny tiny bit =) so. yeah. i shld be happi bahs. sian. raining again. why cant de damm rain rain in the morning!!!! haiiz. nvm yeah. tat bout all today! =)
the divine

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
at 6:07 PM

Name 25 people at the top of your head
1. Seng hock
2. Kimyan
3. Celest
4. ivan
5. Hui Jun
6. Cherie
7. Ivy
8. Catherine
9. Marcus
10. Wayne
11. Benjamin
12. Yintian
13. Joline
14. Luanchun
15. gina
16. hweehoon
17. Wan jun
18. Shermin
19. Yi Zhen
20. siew lian
21. Jason
22. Jie en
23. Jia min
24. Jia Jian
25. Brevyn
1.what is an inside joke with #7?- huh wad u mean?
2.what about #22?- erm she likes to pinch my cheecks?
3.would you go out with #12?- HAHA. she's mine senior but yeah. i wld IF i am a GUY.
4.whats one word that describes #5?- SUPER TALL!
5.would #4 look good with #25?- HAHA. both guys. but yeah. as junior and senior they look nice.
6.would u go out with #19?- mine senior again. but yeah. GUY-yes. GAl -no
7.when is #11's birthday?- 6 August.
8.would you make out with #11?- OMG i would never do tat!
9.are #3 and #18 BEST friends?- erm i doubt so. one my sis the other my fren.
10.have you ever liked #21?- YEAH! ha! i'm jokin laa. he's my best fren!
11.have you ever liked #13?- haha. my bball fren. noppe. she's a gal.
12.have you ever liked #6?- HAHA. nope my fren.
13.can you tell #17 anything?- yeah. i tink so. my senior le. much do you love #4?- I LOVE HIM 100%. AS A FREN!!!!!!! do you know #20?- Primary school laa
16.would you make out with #9?- haha. NO! he's so much shorter then me lor.'d you meet #18?- i met her since i was born. MY SISTER MA!
18.what word comes to your mind when you hear #23's name?- bball.
19.have you ever had a crush on #16?- HAHA. she's my er ma.
20.what about #2?- very kawaii!
21.whats one word that describes #15?- SMARTY and CUTIE!
22.what do you think #9- ultra cute. good in bball oso.
23.give me one random fact about #16.- plays bball.
24.and #8?- she can sleep 24 hours.
25.and what about #1?- goes for lion dance.
26.and #11?- a good bballer.
27.what song does #14 relate to?- dunnoe le
28.what movie could #24 be in?- erm. i dunnoe my senior.
29.what famous person does/should #7 meet?- i dunnoe some superstar?
30.what do you think of #10?- bad temper sumtimes but nice to talk to.
31.would you make out with #1?- erm. no bahs.
32.what about #17?- HAHA. GAL LER. inside joke with #11?- he siao one.
34.u ever liked #8?- yeah. as a fren.
35.could you live without #20?- DUH. my gan nu er le.
36.would #13 make a good couple with #16?- Both gals dunnoe each other. u tink le?
37.what about #23 and #5?- same as above.
38.whats a random fact about #6?- dun like ppl to compare her height.
39.or #25?- uses his sweat as a weapon ><
40.has #4 ever liked you?- yes! LIKE REAL LAA
41.what about #1?- erm.. you know anyone that likes #24?- dunnoe my senior. #3 your friend? why?- yeah. coz she's my fren laa!
44.where do you see #21 in 20 years?- in a big company as a CEO.
45.what about #22?- in asean games?
46.would you make out with #2?- no! for one she's a gal two, she's shorter then me.
47.have you ever made out with #14?- hell no. she's my 'mom'
48.what # can you most see yourself with?- all of them lor.
49.What # should #11 go out with next?- hahas. i dunnoe.
anyone tat wanna do credit me pls!
the divine

at 5:39 PM

I juz came back from trainin. i STINK! >.<>
the divine

Monday, December 11, 2006
at 7:17 PM

Name 13 of your friends you could think of now. Don't read the questions below until you have written all the names of 13 people!
01. Seng Hock
02. Mitsui
03. Hui Jun
04. Jie en
05. mdm lim
06. Luan Chun
07. Ivan
08. Wayne
09. Benjamin
10. Kim yan
11. kiimmie
12. Wan jun
13. Jun Jie
1. How did you meet #10? oh. bball trainin. she is the sis of a very talented player. Seng hock
2. What will you do if you never meet #1?- I wld never ever play good bball.
3. What will you do if #2 and #6 dated?- OMG! #6 wld never do tat! she noes mitsui is mine! wahaha [i'm over reacting though. he's juz a character in slam dunk.]
4. Have you ever seen #4 cried?- noppes.
5. Do you think #10 is cute?- kim yan? yeah! of course.
6. How did you get to know #8?- erm. since k1
7. Would you ever go on a date with #12?- wan jun arh. noppes. i'm a gal. but if i were a guy tat wld be a different story.
8. What is #7's fav colour?- how am i suppose to noe! its either blue or black.
9. What would you do if #6 confessed he/she likes you?- HAHA she's my 'mum'
10. Who is #4 going out with?- no body.
11. Who is #5 to you?- she's my teacher cum advicer cum fren.
12. Would you ever live with #13?- yeah.probably. but i dun noe her tat well. but yeah. i wld.
13. Is #2 single?- nooo! he's MINE!- *snatches him fiercely.*
14. What do you think about #3?- Hui Jun? she's nice and my best fren.
15. What is the best thing about #5?- She treats me to food? hiak hiak.
16. What do you think about #11?- a good blogskinner. she made me my current one.
17. Fav memory with #2?- Everything. I was wid him in hsi every match. [i read slam dunk the whole tink wad!]
13 lucky people to tag: anyone! credit me!
CREDITS: KenDra's fren Jowynn
the divine

at 6:48 PM

never in my life i've had
beat my sister in running[duh! she's fast ]
the only person who can drives me nuts and make me smile
Luan Chun [well, there are still quite alot laa]
when i'm nervous
I tend to i dunnoe le =)
the last time i laughed was
Yesterday when my sis made me laugh
my hair
is black, and short [ yeah. I cut my hair more spiky now]
my feet
is a size 7 [yeah. lucky 7]
when i turn my head left i see
the dinning table
when i turn my head right
i see the crysatl thingy and the tv
when i look down i see
my pink water bottle and my red pants =)
the craziest recent event
hmmm. i'm not sure.
i have hard time understanding
wad my sis says [yeah. sum times onli laa]
one time at a family gathering
I laugh at my cousin who dropped her mushroom and potatoe
if its the one i have every sunday
you know i like you if
i tell u laa
if i won an award the first person i thank is
my family
triangles are
ideal shapes for a broken relationship
my ideal breakfast
cereal wid marshmallow. [there's a ceral liddat]
you really make me happy
when u tell me i'm shuai
you plan to visit anytime soon
my uncle hse.
boys are
fun to be with but not to do a project wid
My weddin will stop if
i find the guy cheatin on me
i'd rather lick the belly of cockroaches
eww i wld never do tat.
recent thing you bought for yourself
erm. m&m chocolate.
least favourite time of the day
bball trainin run timing.
the last time i was high.
erm. 23 nov.
the last person i last talked to on msn
Jie en
a gadget ppl use to show off and use for daily life.
real life
I cant be a princess
a time i can relax.
there's this girl whom i know is
very cute?
there's this guy whom i know is
very handsome?
i'm listening to
ppl talking from the drama serial.
last ate
m&m mint
my bedsheet is
a castle wid gals who are princess at the bottom.
i smell
nothin. i have a blocked nose.
my full name is
Toh SherLiN [zhuo xueling]
7 random facts about me
- slp a lot
- loves talking.
- always wan to be a princss
- lurves my MP3
-lurves my phone
-lurves m&ms
-Loves my sis.
7 people/things i fancy
- wind chimes
-tHe l0llip0p
-pink colour
-6H 06'
-FTPPS bball school team 06'
7 things that scares me
-being unloved
-not getting good grade
-being hated
-bad luck-being left alone
7 things i say most
- my problem mer?
-lame laa
-do i look like i care?
-dont noe dont care dont bother
7 people to do.
-anyone! juz credit me!
the divine

at 5:07 AM

haiiz. juz came back from trainin. as usual i am the last to finish the run! haiiz. so sick and tired. hmm.maybe i shld make a goal! okay. my first goal will be tat i dun stop and walk when running! JIA YOU! I believe tat i can do it if i have the determination! jia you! if i cannot do tat, then i will try and try! coz tat's the only way i can improve myself!JIA YOU!! I can do it!!!! as for now. off to sleep i go. i tink =)
the divine

Saturday, December 09, 2006
at 1:49 PM

yeah! i lurve quizes!! hahas. =)
Whats your class?- 6H 06'
Class tee?- dun have ler. =)
Schools?- FTPPS
1) The chio-est girl?- hmm. quite alot ler.
2) The shuai-est guy?- Ivan yong zhen shun [shld be coz alot of ppl like him le.]
3) Nicest girl?- Hazwani!
4) Nicest guy?- Chen wei =)
5) Funniest girl?- Celestine
6) Funniest guy?- Jason
7) Most biantai guy / girl?- eh.. dunnoe ler =)
8) Best couple?- 0ur class n0 couple de =) we all very guaii one. teach oso dun allow =)
9) Cutest guy / girl? - Gina ng lee gem!
10) Crappiest girl / guy?- me bahs =) hahas
11)Most paikia student?- Lim zhi yao =) [sorry lao da]
12)Loves to sing? - Siena
13) Loves to dance?- mdm sng!!
14) Quietest?- Salina
15) Class tee designer?- None
16) Smartest?- Gina! =) got 272 4 PSLE ler
17) Most vulgar?- Zhi yao
18) Noisiest gang?- the gals lor
19) Most disliked?- if i dislike them den they wont be under frens liao lor..
20) Most irritating?- *ahem*
Credits : Kendra=) my dear cousin!
the divine

Thursday, December 07, 2006
at 6:20 PM

1. Last place you've been to,- KK hospital. my sis when to see a doc coz she had a stomach ache 4 like a week.
2. You are,- SHERLIN! the one and onli SHERLIN! =)
3.Yesterday,- Slack around the whole day =)
4. Last person who texted you?- Joanne Teh.
5. How old are you?- 12 =)
6. what song are u listening to now?- Perhaps love u noe the goong thingy.
7. Last thing you bought for yourself- hmmm m&m chocolates =) yay chocolates!
8. How you wish,- i'm a PRINCESS!!
9. I really like,- MiTsui [he's my PRINCE]
10. I have a crush on,- MiTsui [he's my PRINCE]
11. I really hate,- hmmm... better not say=)
Have you ever..
1. Cried in school?- yeah. lots of time =) [i'm a crybaby]
2. Ran away?- Nope.
3. Broken someone's heart?- hmmm. maybe coz like i am a bit straight forward. [i said a bit]
4.Had your heart broken?- Noppes
5. Cried when someone died?- Yeah. when my great grandmother died. :(
6. Broken a bone?- Erm. nahh.
7. Sit by the phone waiting for a call all night?- Yeah. i did=) but i acted as if i didn'
8.Chat online?- DUHHH ._____.
9. Save emails?- Some onli laa.
10. Wish u were someone else?- Yeah. i wish i was a GUY.
11. Cry in front of friends?- YEAH.
1.Do you get jealous easily?-
Yeah. i am a jealous queen.
2. What have u been doing these past few days?- Trainin at Cedar lorh.
3. What are you thinking about now?- hmm. tomorrow's trainin at FTPPS =)
4.What did you do last night?- Read comic then knock out.
5.What did you last say to a friend last night?- hmm. U better go trainin tomorrow.
6. When will you want to have your own baby?- Yeah. they are sooooo cuteee. [when they are a toddler la. baby tat stage soo scary =) ]
7. When did u last receive a gift?- eh. my birthday?
8. Who did you last chatted online with?- Clement :)
9. What was your greatest bet ever made?- hmm. i earn $5
10. Do you believe in first sight in love?- Yeah. i do.
CrediTs: kiimmiiee
the divine

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
at 12:26 PM

juz upload some photos into my com!! found some pics i took on the last day of school. i miss my class...

the cake we had and the sparkling juice we had before we go our seprate ways

6H06' best class forever!

we played cards yeah. gamled=) no la! no money involed of course -__-"

the bball court space the bball team used to hang out together..

now, its juz a empty space. wid no laughter no nothing. onli beautiful memories we have together.

the divine

The Divine Queen

I know everyone wants to be divine.
How exactly do you be divine then?
Find out from yours truly, the divine queen here


They are their defination of divine there




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